"Good work! president!!"

'wait isn't he..the leader of Tokyo manji gang, Sano manjiro!!'

'mickey?I've seen that part before....thinking about it I can eat dorayaki while I'm here'

"Sano-kun I'm Akaishi from the 3rd squad"the guy looked at the president but he ignored him,Meanwhile M/n was thinking about all the food he could eat while he was there.

"You're in the Way..Mickey ain't talking to a guy he's not interested in" the tall blond said as the guy apologized

"Good work.."Kiyomasa Kneeled a bit as he got kicked in the stomach by the tall blond.

"Kiyomasa..When did you become so important? You seriously going to greet the president with that shallow bow?"
"I-i understand"Kiyomasa said while coughing and holding his stomach.

The short blonde glanced at the [H/c] boy who was staring at the sky, the he started walking towards takemichi who backed away and fell down on his butt, This seemed to wake up the [H/c] boy who looked towards takemichi.

"What's your name?"



"eh? Takemichy-?"

"That's what Mickey said, so that what is right takemichy" The tall blonde said

The short blond grabbed the back of takemichi's head and pulled him closer to his face.

"Are you seriously a middle schooler?"
Takemichi's eyes widened as he continued

"Takemichy from now on you are my Bitch♡︎"


Meanwhile the [H/c] male was just staring While being held by the taller blonde who had seen the boy try to run away while Mickey was talking to Takemichi.

"Can you let me go?"

"No you literally tried to leave a second ago"

"Owe I'm sleepy"

"It's not my problem"

"Ne.." the short blonde walked towards the [H/c] guy he grabs his face and brought it closer to him, his nose touching his.

"Yo you wanna kiss me or something?" [H/c] boy said with a small smirk.

"What's your name?" The Blonde asked while seeming unaffected by the question or their awkward proximity.

"[L/n] [M/n] pleasure to meet you blondie~"

"I see..n/n-chin.."


"From now on you are my Bitch too♡︎"

"What a strange way to make friends..I like it!"

"You are good at fighting n/n-chin♡︎"

"Oh?thanks Blondie~"

The tall blonde grabbed his shoulders
"You're interesting you know we kind saw what you did, call me draken"

"Eh? thanks draken-kun"

Mickey walked towards Kiyomasa as he panicked
"Are you the host?"
"Ah yes.."
Mickey smiled and lifted one of his leg kicked his chin and grabbed his hair.
"Who the heck are you?" He said with a serious face he punched his face and started kicking and punching him brutally. Everyone was watching this In Horror While M/n didn't seem to be uncomfortable with it all.

"Well then.. let's go home Ken-chin Underground fights are stupid" he walked away with a smile.

"Don't you dare do this again which ruin toman's reputation" Draken walked away.

"Takemichy..n/n-chin..see ya later" Mickey winked at M/n Who blushed a little and looked away

"Don't stand there already,go away you Jackasses"draken shouted giving one last glance at M/n and left

"Man..they are scary"M/n sighed and started walking away but was stopped by takemichi.

"W-wait!"He looked back.
"T-thanks..for helping me.."he said and blushed a little.
"Oh, no problem well anyways my name is L/n M/n nice to meet you.." he offered his hand and takemichi accepted.
"Call me Hanagaki takemichi or just takemichi.."
"Kay, I will be leaving now..see ya Hanagaki"

'l/n m/n....he was cute..wait Hanagaki you have a girlfriend!'


M/n pov

I was walking in the same direction I came from While one of my hands held my hair.

'How the fuck did I end up here...I didn't know they would be like this in real life but I think I can hold my own..I wanna go back, I don't wanna live in Tokyo revengers world anymore..I don't have a good feeling about this..'


Sorry for the short chapter but I really hope you liked the 1st chapter!
Vote and comment is appreciated
Well see ya in the next chapter!
Bye bye and take care <3

his deadly wish (Tokyo revengers x male reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ