Natsu did not want that, but there was no way to stop it. It was their fate. They had picked their lives, made their decisions, and now they had to live with it.


The raven-haired man hummed.

Natsu wanted—so much—to tell him, Stay with me. Don't go back!

Yet he could not say it. It wasn't fair, and it wasn't right! All he could do was run his hands through Gray's hair and think sadly how much he regretted keeping quiet all those years when all he had to do was open his mouth and he could have had this.

Exactly this!

Gray looked up. He saw the wistfulness in Natsu's eyes, and he could guess. Gray was trying so hard not to think about it, but it was true. He cleaned Juvia's feet just like this when they showered together. Maybe he had even learned from her about giving a light foot massage while bathing, a treat to his beloved wife.

He did not want to think about it now, though.

Instead, he focused on something Juvia most definitely did not have.

He soaped up his hands and reached up to Natsu's groin. Oh, Gray could have played with him, most definitely! Instead, he was gentle. He cupped the balls, just rubbing the soap around, then carefully stroked up the limp penis, gingerly washing it. He heard a hum from Natsu. He was sure it felt really good, but he honestly was not trying to make it erotic, and Natsu was not hardening up. He was just cleaning, tending carefully to him.


He looked up at the tense voice. Natsu's hair was so much longer now, a few strands of gray in it, not much, but enough to make it shine in the right light. Those long, pink strands hung down as Natsu looked at him. The dragon slayer was flushed, and Gray could hardly help but think how cute he looked this way.

Suddenly, Natsu reached down and took Gray's chin. He lifted the ice mage up and stared at Gray for a silent, tense moment. Something like that, cleaning that area, was just so sweet. It was something lovers did. Not two people out for a quick fling, but real lovers.

It was everything Natsu wanted.

He wanted to be lovers.

"I love you," he declared.

Gray looked mildly startled, but then he smiled. He could see so much emotion in Natsu's expressive eyes, so many untold regrets and silent desires. Gray leaned forward and kissed those trembling lips, calming them, soothing Natsu's heart.

Natsu wrapped his arm around Gray, pulling him closer. He felt their groins press together. He was still tired, but he almost felt he could get hard again, especially with Gray around.

He kissed Gray more and eased his tongue out, licking slowly, savoring the taste. His free hand rubbed up and down Gray's body, so wet and slippery. Despite the hot water, he still had a slight chill to the skin that probably would never go away, no matter how much Natsu heated him up.

He wanted this feeling.

He wanted this smell. The smell of snowy forests and mint, like a celebration in winter.

He wanted this!

Yet he knew—son of a dragon he might be—this was one treasure he could not horde.

Still, he wanted to possess Gray ... just for now. He grabbed Gray with both hands, yanked him closer, and pressed Gray up against the shower wall. He was getting aroused, and he thrust up against that chilly groin.

Regrets in the Crying SkyWhere stories live. Discover now