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Gray started up the shower as Natsu went around lighting candles to brighten the bathroom. Their wavering glow made shadows dance on the walls, like a warm, slow waltz for lovers.

Then Natsu walked over to the shower. Gray was frowning, unable to get any heat to the water with there being no power in the house. Being an ice mage, he did not mind cold showers, but he was worried about Natsu. The guy was weak against anything cold.

"I told you, don't worry." Natsu reached up and grabbed the main pipe. A little heat from his hand instantly turned the ice cold shower into a hot summer rain.

"Hah, nice trick," Gray chuckled as they stepped in together, "but you'll have to hold the pipe the whole time."

"Yeah." Natsu stood in the shower, the water dripping over him, one hand trapped from holding onto the pipe, and he gazed imperiously at Gray. "So wash me," he ordered.

Gray eyed that toned body and the serpentine rivulets of water trickling through the vales of sculpted muscles. He was amazed at how much Natsu had changed over the years. He had always been muscular, but now he was just a little broader, a little taller. Such small changes made a drastic difference.

Or maybe it was just him.

Gray took a sponge from the side, soaped it up, and began to rub it over Natsu's body, starting with his neck, over the shoulders, and down his chest. He went up the arm holding the pipe, carefully washing it all the way up to the wrist. Then the sponge went to the other arm. Gray took his time, carefully cleaning every bit of skin, from the armpit, down to his elbow, to his hands, caressing the soap over the knuckles and palm. He used his hands to stroke the soap between the webbings of each finger, rubbing them erotically.

Natsu stood there, watching, simply gazing at Gray, how wonderful he was, how sexy he looked as the water made his black hair drip down into his face.

This is so much like a dream.

It truly did not feel real, and he was afraid that at any minute, an alarm clock would go off or someone would knock on the door, and he would jolt awake. Then it really would be nothing but another hopeless fantasy.

Gray knelt down, cleaning Natsu's abdomen, his hips, and down his thighs, avoiding that one spot. He scrubbed down to the knees, rubbing soapy circles over the calves, and gently lifted Natsu's foot. Gray popped out his own leg, kneeling as if proposing, and rested Natsu's foot on his bent knee. He ran the sponge over the feet and underneath to the rough pads of the toes. He set the sponge aside for a moment and used his thumbs, giving Natsu a soapy foot massage.

Natsu hummed sensually. It felt amazing! He was unsure if anyone had ever given him a foot rub before. Gray's hands were not as cold as they probably normally were, not after so much touching and the hot water beating down. Still, the slight chill running over his feet, up the arch and over toes, felt simply amazing.

Then Gray set that foot down, lifted the other one, and set it on his knee. He gave the same attention with the sponge, and then used his hands to give Natsu a light massage.

"God, I could get spoiled by this," Natsu groaned.

Gray chuckled as he used a little more pressure while rubbing up the tendon that formed Natsu's foot arch. "Do you like it?"

"Yeaaah," Natsu moaned. He was about to ask something, but he knew he shouldn't. Still, in the back of his mind, he could hardly help it.

Was this something Gray did to Juvia?

He wanted to cry just thinking about it. As he looked down, he wanted Gray all to himself. He wanted to be greedy, just once. Yet sadly he knew, when morning came, his ice mage would be gone like a snowflake in the sun.

Regrets in the Crying SkyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora