First Kiss

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It was the day, Matt was getting ready and doing his hair. He was debating whether or not he should just absolutely douse himself in his favorite cologne. He did it anyway, I mean, everybody likes a good smelling man, right? Right. Matt fixed up his hair and looked in the mirror, making sure he was happy with himself and how he looked. He wanted to make sure it was something Nat would like. Of course he also had to make sure everything about the date were things Nat would like, he didn't wanna mess anything up on the first date. Matt went out and bought a few things for her, he still had hours before he actually had to go into town and meet with him, but he wanted to make a good impression. Especially on someone as cute and rizzy as Nat.

Nat was getting ready as well, putting on nice smelling perfume and a nice outfit. He was in the middle of doing his hair when he got a text from Matt. 'Hey, Nat. Do you like flowers? <3' Nat smiled at her phone, and quickly picked it up to text him back. 'yeah, i like flowers.' 'Sweet! Thanks for letting me know.' Nat set his phone down again and went back to his hair, she was thinking about how excited she is for their date. He was also thinking about how much rizz he was planning to use on Matt. Nat had to make sure he kept his game up, can't lose the bitch he just got y'know?? Nat finished herself up and decided to just sit on his phone for a little, he wasn't sure when Matt was coming to pick him up, so he wanted to make sure he was ready or whenever he did.

Matt pulled up to her house and quickly gathered his gifts, a teddy bear with a number 15 hockey jersey on, a box of chocolates and a bouquet of Cosmos. He got out with all of his gifts in his hand, a big ol' smile on his face as he knocked on Nat's door. Nat opened his door and smiled, she absolutely adored the gifts. "Aw, Matt. How sweet of you." Nat took the gifts from him and smelled the Cosmos. Matt smiled and as soon as Nat set his gifts down, Matt took her hand. "Let's get going, I'm excited for you to see the place I'm taking you." Nat nodded and walked to the car with him. Matt opened the door for him and when Nat got in, he closed it for her.

Olive Garden. Matt took them to Olive Garden, how perfect. Nat loves Olive Garden, so he was really excited. Nat and Matt sat down and ordered their food. Matt grabbed Nat's hand under the table and held it. Nat just smiled at him, squeezing his hand a little.

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