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     "DO YOU STILL love me?"

Jamie paused. Of course she still loved him. Nothing could ever stop her from loving the man she grew up with.

But the man he was now.

She could never love him.

"I'll always love you, Elvis." She finally replied. "Always. But, I love the old you. The boy who would throw rocks at my window and-and sneak me out to the passing carnival. The boy who would sit with me for hours and just let me talk about whatever was on my mind. The boy who would listen and care for me. The man who convinced me to record that song. The man who stayed up, watching the door after that night. The man who kissed me in the back of a police car. The man who proposed to me in my own bedroom with a simple ring because he knew I ain't for glitz and glam. The man who cried when he saw me walkin' down the aisle. The man who was there at the birth of his children. The man who flew straight back home when he knew I was in hospital. That, Elvis, is the man I truly love."

Elvis stared up at her through his swollen eyes.

"But the man who needs drugs to stay awake. The man who let's people step all over him. The man who is never home. The man I barely see anymore...that man...I can't love. I need the old you back."

Elvis choked on his sob as he held his wife closer. "I don't wanna lose you."

"You won't. You know I'd never just cut you off, baby." Jamie sucked in her breath, realising what she was doing. "But I have to go."

"Will you please stay?" He asked in desperation.

"I have to go." She pressed a kiss to his head. "I have to go because if I stay, I'll never leave."


"E, you have to let me go."

"Please, Jamie."

"I'm sorry." Jamie pressed one last kiss to Elvis' lips before pulling his arms off her and heading to the door.

"Please." He said softly. "I'll change."

She paused and looked back at him. "Then do it."

Jamie found some peace after a few weeks away from Elvis. She still had a lot to deal with, however, all to do with her divorce.

She had bought a home in Memphis, not too far from Graceland so the children could visit their father when he was home. It was a big enough home, not too big, Jamie was never one to flaunt her money.

She also kept in close contact with Jerry. He updated Jamie on Elvis when he thought it was needed. She didn't want to know anything else other than his health. She still cared about him, of course.

So when she received a call from Jerry telling her that Elvis had passed out from exhaustion and yet was still forced on stage that same day, she found herself on her way to Vegas. Jamie asked Jerry to not tell Elvis that she was coming.

She sat in the audience, in a simple outfit so Elvis could not pick her out. While she listened to him sing, her eyes were glaring at the Colonel. He was the reason that Elvis was on that stage even though he clearly needed rest. He was killing him.

"Thank you. Thank you. I'd like to turn the house lights up, ladies and gentleman. Cause now that youve seen me, I'd like to take a look at you."

Jamie cursed slightly under her breath, she lowered her head but when she raised it, she saw that Elvis was looking right at her.

The man wanted to run to her. Kiss her. Hold her tight. But he looked over to the Colonel and knew what to do.

"We got some high-rollers in here tonight. Mr. International Hotel himself. And right next to him, is my so-called manager, Colonel Tom Parker."

There were cheers and Jamie just glared at the man with buring rage.

"But I hear rumours that Colonel is an alien." Elvis continued. "Somebody call the FBI and tell 'em that he has abducted me, that he has locked me in this golden cage, to keep me here forever with you, ladies and gentlemen."

Jamie furrowed her brows at his words. She looked to the side stage and saw Jerry, his hands on his hips with a small smirk.

"So I'm caught in a trap. I can't get out. Cause Colonel's got some big debts, baby. Well, this is the last show I'm ever playing here. I'm gonna get on my jet plane, the Lisa Marie...its named after my beautiful daughter. And I'm gonna fly away. With my beautiful wife and children. I should have listened to Jamie...fuck the International. And Las Vegas. Ain't no one gonna stop me, man."

Jamie stood as Elvis began to yell for security. She made her way backstage, finding herself stood behind the Colonel and Jerry.

"You don't have a goddamn passport, you son of a bitch! You are fired! You are fired! You're fired!"

The curtains closed, leaving the audience confused and worried. Jerry placed his hand on Jamie's wrist, stopping her from moving towards Elvis and the Colonel.

"I should have listened to Jamie." Elvis said, loud enough for the woman to hear. "You're fired."

He dropped the mic and walked away. He was too angry to even be thinking of the fact that Jamie was there.

But later that night, Jamie found herself knocking on the door to his hotel room. She waited for a moment, hearing shuffling sounds behind the door. Seconds later, the door opened to reveal a slightly dishevelled looking Elvis.

The pair stared at each other for a few precious moments.

"Jamie." Elvis breathes out.

"Oh, E." The woman said, hugging him and nearly knocking him back.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly. "I missed you, baby."

"I've missed you."

| THE ROCK AND ROLL LIFESTYLE | E.PRESLEY | COMPLETEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat