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     JAMIE HELD TIGHTLY onto Elvis' hand as she let out a very painful scream. Elvis, with his brows furrowed in worry, watched the doctors move around the room.

Seconds later a baby cry appeared and Elvis felt Jamie release her grip. He looked down at her, she was already looking up at him. They both began to tear up when Jamie was handed her baby.

She held the small child in her arms and looked at Elvis. "What should we name her?"

He gently pulled down some of the wrap to look at his daughters face. "Lisa-Marie."

"I like that name." She smiled, looking back at their daughter.

As time went on, Elvis was becoming tired of making movies and the Colonel knew this. So he started putting Elvis in more movies but they were low budget and rather badly made.

Jamie, however, was still growing strong with her music. Of course, she mainly kept occupied with her baby girl but she would record a bunch of songs and release them over time so she could have more time with her baby. But Elvis seemed so distant with the many movies he was making, Jamie and Lisa-Marie were struggling to find time to spend with him due to his busy schedule.

Ontop of that, since Elvis was not making any music outside of his movies, other young stars became the talk of the world. The Beatles in particular, a boy band from England.

By 1966, Jamie was now at a very steady point in her career. She had barely done any tours since the birth of Lisa, and considering she was pregnant once again, it didn't seem like there would be another any time soon. Lisa was now three years old.

In August of 1966, Jamie gave birth to a son who they named Jesse, after Elvis' twin brother.

And in 1968, the Prelsey family were becoming tired of movies and releasing a song every other year. They wanted something more, especially Elvis.

Jamie was sat in Elvis' trailer with Lisa on her lap when her attention turned to the TV.

"Good evening, Dr Martin Luther King, the apostle of non-violence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis Tennessee."

Jamie noticed Elvis walking towards the TV. Of course, the pair knew of that civil rights activist and for him to have been shot not far from where they lived was close to home. Elvis slowly sank in the seat beside Jamie as the news report continued.

She looked at Lisa, who was holding her arms out towards Elvis. The man finally noticed her and gently took her from Jamie's lap, placing their daughter on his own. Jamie moved behind him, placing her head on his shoulder.

"Hey, E?"

He hummed in reply, his focus on his daughter.

"Do you ever think what life would be like if we never got famous?"

"We'd still be living in those apartments and struggling to make money." He responded. "I wouldn't have been able to look after my family, you or Lisa or Jesse."

"Are you happy with this life?"

He looked at her. "O-Of course I am. Aren't you?"

She let out a small sigh. "I don't know, there's plenty of benefits but sometimes it's just overwhelming. Sometimes I just wish it was you, me and Lisa and Jesse. Screw everyone else."

Elvis playfully gasped and covered Lisa's ears. "Language, woman."

"You can't say nothing, mister." She chuckled.

They had also noticed that Elvis was not doing too well with his money. Jamie had been saving most of hers, only spending when it was truly needed. It was very early on when she learnt the value of money. But when she asked Elvis about it, he only said that he was providing, he didn't mind that Jamie had her own money and he was actually glad that she was saving it but he wanted to worry about his own money.

Jamie now stood with Elvis, watching as Colonel pitched them a Christmas special. The woman held her two year old son in her arms as five year old Lisa played with Billy and her dolls.

"Elvis and Jamie Presley's Wonderful World of Christmas!" Colonel smiled. "Brought to you by the Singer Sewing Machine Company, to every television set in America. It only takes three days to tape and there's no audience."

Jamie rolled her eyes slightly, Elvis placed his hand on her back and the pair walked away and Colonel tried harder to sell it to Vernon. They walked over to the small TV sat on a picnic table. On screen as Bobby Kennedy.

"Violence breeds violence, repression breeds retaliation."

Jamie turned to Elvis, watching as he took Jesse out of her hands. "Memphis is burning."

Elvis gave Jesse a kiss on his cheek, placing him on his hip. "What do you think of the special?"

She glanced over at the Colonel and the small set he made to explain the special he wanted the pair to do.

"I think we should do a different special."

He smiled. "You're a bit of trouble, Mrs Presley."

"Its why you fell in love with me."

"What do we think?" Colonel asked them, making the pair look over.

Elvis placed his free hand on his forehead. "Is this the best we can do, Admiral?"

"Well, we took the Hollywood phonies for every nickle they had and now it is time for us to pack up our tents and move on to even greener pastures. We've seen the Presley's rebel, we've seen the Presley's movie stars. Now we will see Presley's, the family entertainers."

"And appliance salesman?" Jerry questioned.

Elvis looked over at the memeber of the Memphis Mafia. "What did you say? Listen Jerry, I don't need you to question me about how I support my family and every goddamn person here. You understand me?"

Jamie took Jesse off Elvis, he had begun to tear up at his fathers loud voice.

"If you don't like it, you can go back to Memphis." Elvis added on, before walking into his trailer.

Jamie sighed and handed Jesse over to Vernon. She walked into the trailer, Elvis was listening to a cover of Here Comes Santa Clause.

"Satnin?" She questioned softly as he looked at her.

"Hi." He almost whispered back.

He turned off the music and Jamie sat beside him, he wrapped his arm around her and the pair turned their attention to the TV where the memorial for Dr King was playing.

"I'm so tired of playing Elvis Presley. Too many people rely on me."

Jamie looked at him. "I love you and your children love you, baby. You know we don't care about the money. I just want you to be the happy boy I grew up with. The boy who was happy singing the music he loved."

He turned to the woman singing at the memorial. "That's the music that makes me happy."

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