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     JAMIE LAID WITH her head in Elvis' lap once again. After the whole ordeal of them getting arrested, the government decided that they needed to get involved with the pairs behaviour.

That included sending an army draft letter to Elvis.

"No, there's no way my baby's going to Germany for two years." Gladys spoke as she sat by the fire.

"Its either the army or jail. There is something else. Vernon, they are poking into your background."

"We don't have nothin' to be ashamed of." Elvis said. "Now, my daddy's a good man."

Colonel nodded. "Yes, yes. But your papa did go to jail. You know them, and their flashy headlines. 'Elvis, The Draft Dodger'. 'A Family of Delinquents'. We may never book another date or sell another record again. And my way of thinking, the army...could be a brand new start for us all. Let them cut your hair. Prove that you are a clean cut, all-American boy. You do your two years, and when you come back, I promise you I will have done everything I can to make you the biggest actor in Hollywood. You will choose your own pictures."

Jamie sat up. "Colonel, this is all about Elvis. What's gonna happen to me?"

"You, my dear girl, will be married off."

Elvis stood. "Married off! Hell no!"

Colonel raised his hands. "Slow down, boy. I didnt finish."

Jamie stood along side Elvis. "I don't want to be married to some random guy, Colonel."

"You won't. When Elvis comes back a clean cut, all-American boy. You two will marry."

"What?" The pair questioned in unison.

"What?" Gladys asked. "But, they've known each other their whole lives. If they loved each other, we would have known by now."

Colonel tutted. "It would be a love story for centuries. Elvis and Jamie, in love since childhood and now, they finally admit after being apart for two years."

Elvis began to stutter. "Colonel. I-I-I just don't think it's fair. I mean-dont you think we should get the choice?"

"I thought you wanted us to appear available?"

"You'll be 24 when Elvis comes back, my dear girl. You should marry soon, why not let it be him?"

The pair looked at each other, they didn't know what to say.

Later that night, Jamie found herself tossing and turning in bed. She couldn't sleep for the life of her. She had though she figured everything out before she got herself arrested and now everything was all over the place. She and Elvis hadn't even talked about this kiss in the back seat of a police car and now, well, in two years they were meant to be married.

The girl huffed and stood up, she put on a robe and walked to her door. She opened it to see Elvis, with his hand raised as he had just been about to knock before she opened the door.



The two paused as they attempted to speak over each other. But as the silence grew longer, so did the tension. Jamie grabbed the mans robe collar and brought his lips down to meet hers. Elvis' hands quickly caught her waist so he could balance himself. The two stumbled slightly into Jamie's room and so Elvis took the opportunity to close the door behind him.

Finally, he pulled away. "Jamie, I-I need to talk to you ab-about the marriage thing."

Jamie looked up at him and nodded. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

Elvis went over to Jamie's bed, pulling her with him. The two crawled in, Elvis pulling the girl over to him. She rested her head on his chest and he wrapped one arm around her, using his other to play with her hair.

He took a deep breath. "Darlin', you should know I've always liked you. Ever since we were little. I-I've just been too nervous."

She looked up at him. "What about Dixie?"

"I thought that by gettin' with someone else, maybe my feelings would just go away." He sighed. "But you were always there and, I just fell more and more in love with you every day. Listen Jamie, I don't mind this plan Colonel has...I just wish it played our differently. So it wasnt so forced."

Jamie sat up, turning to him. She placed one hand on his face, feeling him lean into her hand.

"Oh, E. I've liked you for some time. I just...never thought you'd like me back."

Elvis chuckled lightly. "How could I not, mama. You are the only girl for me. You're my best girl."

Suddenly he climbed out of the bed, pulling Jamie with him. He stood her opposite and sighed.

"I wish I could have done this a better way. Not in your bedroom at 3am but somewhere like Venice when the sun is just right, but, it doesn't seem like I'll be able to do it how I want anymore." He chuckled, running his hand through his hair. "Awh, I'm ramblin'."

Jamie gasped softly when Elvis sank to one knee and pulled out a small box.

"Jamie Andrella Newburn." He paused and opened the box to reveal a beautiful, but dainty, diamond ring. Elvis knew that Jamie wasn't a glitz and glam girl. "Will you do the honour of becoming my wife?"

Jamie smiled and nodded, kneeling down and hugging me. "Of course, Elvis."

Elvis hugged her back tightly, when they pulled apart, he placed the ring on her finger and then kissed her hand. After a few more moments, the two climbed back into bed, returning to their orginal position.

"You know." Elvis chuckled to himself. "I just made myself a target for your music."

Jamie smirked slightly. "You've already inspired my music, E. Jolene? It's about you and Dixie."


She hummed tiredly. "Its always been you, E. Always."

He held her closer. "And its always been you, Jamie. It will never be anybody else."

| THE ROCK AND ROLL LIFESTYLE | E.PRESLEY | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now