The smoke bomb quickly spreads throughout the classroom and even into the hallway as he quickly books it out the room and runs down the stairs in a panic

While running down the stars through each window you could see gamagoori falling down as he laughs like a mad man

Finally he makes it to the doors leading outside as he slides them open only for gamagoori to be standing on the other side menacingly looking down at him

The thief yelps as the giant man grabs him by his by the front of his uniforms collar

"You'd think you'd escape me with a tear gas BOMB!!!" He shouts as he turns and throws the thief outside

The thief would scream as he flys through the air out into the giant yard of the school before rolling across the ground in pain before coming to a stop still clutching the item

The guards and gamagoori would stand over the thief looking down at him before he sits up and glares at them as we can finally see what he's been holding this whole time

The guards and gamagoori would stand over the thief looking down at him before he sits up and glares at them as we can finally see what he's been holding this whole time

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Some type of uniform

"A one star Goku uniform looks like I found our thief what are you waiting for try it on?" Gamagoori would tell the boy

The thief didn't waste a second as he immediately puts on the uniform as he would look down at himself in shock and amazement

"H-hah...amazing! I could feel the power surging through my SOUL!!!" The their would shout as his one star uniform would shine multicolored lights

He would slightly hunched down before shooting up and flexing as his earlier chubby body would now be thinner

"I like it" he said as he took a stance and smirk at gamagoori

The disciplinary chair would take out a spiked whip as he would repeatedly swing the weapon at the him only for him to dodge at quick speeds

"My body's moving faster than fast!" He would exclaimed amazed at his new movement and power

"Of course that's the power of the Goku uniform" gamagoori would tell him as if it was stupid to be shocked by this

The thief smacks his whip away as he reels his fist back "THEN DIE!!!" he shouted shooting it forward into his chest

Only for gamagoori to put his arms out letting him as he stands there unfazed by the attack looking down at the thief menacingly

The thief looks would go from one of cockiness to shock and fear as he sweats and his fist twitches

"Too bad your uniform is a one star...but mines a three star" gamagoori would say smirking as the stares on his uniform would flash as the thief looked up at him in fear

"Sorry but your attacks...CAN'T DO ANYTHING ME!"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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