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The darkness is all that can be seen

Nothing but black emptiness as the sound of silence was loud

Little white dots soon fade in as it's now obvious what is being seen and where we are

It's space

Soon everything starts shaking as a giant meteor slowly passes by as we pan over to the left to see it heading straight toward earth




We cut to a classroom and we see a teacher writing on a chalkboard as some students either listen or waited in boredom for the class to end

"So in nineteen thirty-three the national socialist German workers party aka the nazis came to power Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor and soon after that the democracy of post-war Germany became a fascist regime...." The teacher would go on as he too would sound bored as well

In one of the seats we see a student sleeping in class snoring loudly the teacher either didn't hear her somehow or just doesn't care and from his tone that's probably the right answer

This classroom had a metal door strange enough as that is the metal door to the classroom received a loud bang on it startling the students and even the teacher the only one who wasn't fazed was the student sleeping

The metal doors valve would slowly turn only for it to be kicked sending it flying as it would break and bounce off the window into some of the desks and students while the teacher dodges

"....we're in the middle of a lesson here....." the teacher worriedly says as he looks towards the now opened door

Suddenly three multicolored flashes of light shined through the darkness for a quick second only for a giant man to enter the room as he looks down at the teacher

Suddenly three multicolored flashes of light shined through the darkness for a quick second only for a giant man to enter the room as he looks down at the teacher

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"I'M ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS!" He shouts as a line of men suddenly slide Into the room and formed into a line in the classroom

The teacher panics as he quickly slides back bowing on his hand and knees

"Yes sir!...."

The giant man slowly turned towards the students in the classroom his face remaining hard and intimidating

"I'm the disciplinary committee chair IRA GAMAGOORI!!!!" He shouts before he puts his arms behind his back still glaring toward the students "students of class k it has come to our attention that there is someone among you that intends to bring harm to honnouji academy!" He would tell while marching up and down "step forward and accept your punishment!!!"

The student we now see is a girl continuing to sleep and snore as a student next to her would sweat and twitch as he held something close to his chest

The student could not take it anymore as he stands up making his desk fall over as the student guards look and turn towards and gamagoori glares at him before he slowly raises up his hand and throws down a tear gas bomb

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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