05 # cassette

65 6 3

sunwoo walked lazily to his afternoon classes, he was sick and decided to skip his morning ones.
he was about to enter the building of his faculty when a blonde head popped out in front of him, their foreheads hit each other so they stepped away with groans of pain from both parties.

"ouch, are you dumb?" sunwoo snapped, caressing the reddish part "not my fault your head is hard because of your non-existent brain." eric hissed in return
"why are you here?" he then questioned, recomposing himself trying to stop his anger issues from acting up "you skipped this morning but i promised to give these to you everyday, so i am here to do my part time job!" the blonde boy chimed with a bright tone

sunwoo smiled "i won't pay you." he teased and eric stuck out his tongue in a childish way. sometimes sunwoo believed his best friend never actually grew up.

"you're so cruel." he sighed, taking out the not so well folded letter from his bag. it was clear eric has had it since morning, because haknyeon would have never treated whatever was left of a tree like that "thanks man." sunwoo thanked him and eric walked away, now heading to do his real part time job.

sunwoo's smile slowly faded when eric was out of sight, he tried to give strength to himself. he acted all tough, but reading everyday how much his favourite person hated him, really influenced his daily life.

he gently opened the crumpled letter, reading the words written with the ink from the heart

i hate that time doesn't exist;
i hate how it felt slower whenever i was with you;
i hate how i always wanted to rewind those moments like a cassette;
i hate how you gave up on me so fast.

i hope everyday will feel like eternity to you;
that you'll be bored forever;
i hope no one will make you feel the same way i did...
because i was one of a kind to you.

- ju hanknyeon


five days had already passed and it was midway through the letters history. sunwoo could feel haknyeon's pain through them, and it hurt him so much. it hurt him like crazy.

if only sunwoo could rewind time like people do in movies, if only he could build a time machine, then he would turn back time so that haknyeon would be 'his' forever, so that he wouldn't hurt him no more... so that he could tell him he loves him to death one more time.

"hello." a voice snapped him out of his state of trance, making him flinch and hide the paper like it was the most suspicious thing in the world.

turning around like a culprit, he noticed it was the pink haired boy of the other day. he kindly smiled "hi." greeting him

chanhee smiled in return before pointing out "you're blocking the way." sunwoo realized that it was true and moved right away "i'm sorry!" he queried with a guilty expression, but chanhee's one was reassuring "that's alright..." he then noticed what sunwoo was hiding behind his back, it was the same letter he saw before.
sunwoo cleared his throat "uhm, let's walk together to class."

chanhee nodded and the two started walking side by side in the not so busy hallways, usually students who have morning classes skip the afternoon ones to work; sunwoo had a work too but it was only in the weekend, so he could attend every class if he was in the mood to.

chanhee hissed softly after a few minutes of silence "are those letters the reason of your sadness?" the words were spoken in a low tone not to let others catch their conversation.

"mh? why are you asking?" sunwoo questioned in a rather curious way "well, everytime i see you you're always frowning while holding a letter... i just took a guess." chanhee shrugged

"you guessed right." sunwoo confessed, glancing at the letter he was still holding in his left hand "if they hurt you, why do you keep reading them?" chanhee's question was plausible, if sunwoo was hurt while reading those harsh whishes, then why keep reading them?

the answer was one and only "because i deserve it."

chanhee was the one to frown this time "i do not know you, but i'm pretty sure no one deserves to be sad, despite their past."

the pinky haired boy was very clever, with just a few glances at sunwoo he had already understood his situation.

"oh no, i do really deserve it, i hurt a dear person." sunwoo was oversharing, but he felt as if he could trust choi chanhee, so he thought it was a good idea to finally open up.

"kim sunwoo, did you know there's a thin line between hate and love?" chanhee stated "even if that person might hate you now for what you did, he might not do it in the near future." they started walking slower as they were about to reach the classroom with still so many things to say

chanhee continued "sometimes, us humans are stubborn, we do stupid things and regret it our whole life and we feel bad about it; however we feel bad even if we overthink too much. in my opinion that person just needs some time to cool down, i do not know your situation and don't want to assume things but i think it's for the best if you to talk it out calmly.'" as soon as he finished, he flashed a smile

sunwoo was left stunned "wow... that was really deep." he acknowledged

chanhee laughed awkwardly "sorry, one of my boyfriends is a psychological major, i took over him maybe."

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