🌸Found You - Zhongli x GN!Reader

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You woke up from your sleep as you stretched your stiff back. "Hmm did I sleep in a wrong position?" You shrugged it off as you jumped off the comfy bed, taking a deep breath. You exhaled as a bright smile plastered on your face. "I want tea! Ah, should I go visit Granny?" You quickly get yourself ready as you wore your usual formal outfit and made your way to Yuijing Terrace to find Madame Ping. You have known her since long time ago, but instead of calling her by her name, you called her Granny. Despite being an adeptus yourself, you've never met Morax in his mortal form. You only knew him as a very huge dragon and only saw him a few times even during the archon war. However, you didn't think much about it and continued about the things in hand.

As you walk along the stairs, you saw a few glaze lilies and smiled. "Granny said Morax likes glaze lilies... I wonder what kind of reaction will he make if I give him a bouquet of it as a gift. Pff, no way he's going to accept a gift from a mere adeptus such as myself." You laughed quietly at yourself as you continued walking.

As soon as you saw the person you've been looking for, you immediately ran up to her and hug her from behind. "Granny! I'm hereee how are you?" Ping was surprised and chuckled as soon as she realized it was you. She sighed. "Y/n, you almost break this old lady's back. You're lucky I'm not as young as in my old times or else I would've throw you like I usually do. And I'm doing just fine, thank you for your concern." You sweatdropped as you let her go. "A-ah, n-no thanks." She chuckled as she waved her hand. "Anyway, you didn't often come here for nothing, do you? Spill the tea, would you?" You recalled your purposes coming there as you smiled. "Welll, I obviously came here today for-" "tea?" "-yes, thank you~ and also to ask about something, or more like someone, that you've known for a long long time." She raised an eyebrow while smiling as she poured you a cup of freshly brewed tea. She handed you the tea as you happily grabbed it and thanked her. "It's not everyday I get to listen to you talking about someone other than cloud retainer and guizhong. So, who is this 'someone' you have in mind?" You took a sip of the tea and put it down as you looked at her. "I've been wondering about this since a long time ago, but.. how do Morax's mortal form look like? I've never seen him in one before." She looked at you for a while before laughing softly. "So, you're curious about him I see. Well, if you really want to know, then look for a man who possesses a wide range of knowledge and a hint of mysterious in his manner of speech and behaviour. You can find such person amongst the people in Liyue Harbour. If you don't know where to start, narrow down the choices to the possible places he might visit oftentimes. I'm sure you can manage that." She smiled as you nodded. "I see... Then, I'll go and look for him. Thanks a lot for the tea and for helping me, Granny. I'll come visit you again if I'm not so busy. See ya!" You waved yout hand as she crossed her arms. "We're almost the same age, so stop calling me Granny, you ignorant child." You laughed as you smiled. "Got it, momm." She rolled her eyes as you made your way to find Morax while grinning.


"So.... Now what?"

You stopped in your track as you examined every men you can find, but none of them fits the characteristics. '...look for a person who possesses a wide range of knowledge and a hint of mysterious in his manner of speech and behaviour...'
"Mysterious, huh.." You continued to walk until you reached Chihu Rock sector, an area where an alchemy station and the Adventure Guild is located. You found nothing there as you were about to walk away when you saw a glimpse of a particular person. He was drinking a cup of tea at Third-Round Knockout, a tavern where some people of Liyue bought themselves a drink or maybe a meal while listening to various stories that Iron Tongue Tian, the storyteller, narrates. You stood there as you observed him from far - the way he drank the tea, his movements and how he concentrated on the story. 'He seems.. different. His behaviour is elegant and calm. His clothing too seems different as an average resident. He should've drank somewhere for the famous and rich like Liuli Pavilion or Xinyue Kiosk if he's an important figure... He must be the one.' As you looked back at the tavern, he was nowhere to be seen. You panicked as you looked everywhere for the man but to no avail. You shrugged it off as you tried to find the path he might gone to. 'How did I lose him? He was there enjoying his tea so how? There's no way he can walk that fast and disappear with a lot of people around.' Before you realized it, it was already dark as you stopped searching. You gave up and decided to retire for the day and continue the search tomorrow.

There were only a few people around as you walked alone towards the direction of your house. As you passed a building, you felt someone covering your mouth and grabbed both your wrists as you got dragged behind the building. You struggled and was about to use your vision when you noticed who it was. A pair of amber eyes stared blankly into your e/c ones. You widened your eyes. "You... are an adeptus, right? I know you, you are the guardian of the river, Ping's friend." You were surprised as you nodded slowly. "That's.. right." He released your wrists. "Forgive me about that. I noticed that someone had been observing me, so I hid. At first I thought you were some random outsider, but yet, you seemed familiar. Hence why, I 'kidnapped' you to make sure that you're the person I've been looking for." You looked at him. "Ah, I see- wait, you've been looking for me?" He nodded. "You might only saw me in Rex Lapis form before and we haven't had a proper encounter with each other, but I've seen you multiple times and yet to have a conversation with nor knowing your name. Ping had always boasting about you and saying how she's grateful to have you as her friend. I somehow got curious about you and I tried to find you, but everytime I do so, you were nowhere to be seen." You widened your eyes as he stepped closer to you. "Do tell, why were you staring at me just now?" You froze as you whispered. "Morax..." He leaned as he couldn't hear what you said. "Morax.. you are Morax.. I found you.." You looked at him and smiled. "I was looking for you too. I was curious of what kind of mortal form you would have." He blinked a few times before laughing softly. "Say, what's your name, guardian of the river." You grinned. "I'm Y/n. Pleasure to meet you, Morax." You held out your hand as he took it, but instead of a handshake, he kissed the back of your hand. "Call me Zhongli, dear Y/n. I've retired as Morax, so now, I'm living my life as an immortal mortal." You blushed. "W-why did you kiss my hand..?" Zhongli chuckled as he held your waist. "Ah, so you don't like it?" "T-that's not what I meant!" He leaned closer to your ear as he whispered. "I want you to be mine." You were a blush mess as he chuckled. "No, I'm kidding. Of course, it's up to you. So, would you be mine, Y/n?" You looked at him as you stuttered. "Y-yes... O-of course." He smiled as he pulled you into a soft kiss. You were surprised, but returned the kiss. After a while, both of you broke the kiss as you gasped for air while he kissed your forehead.

"Thank you, Y/n. I will protect you and love you for as long as I'm alive."
"I too, shall love you until my last breath, Zhongli. Just don't kidnap me like that again, I almost faint."
"Haha, no promises, love."
"I'll die from heart attack then."
"Wait no, I'm sorry."


Thanks for reading!

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