🌸Still Remains - Raiden Ei x M!Reader

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"Y-y/n? Is that really you?.."

"Haha.. were you waiting for someone else then?"



"Hey, Aether. Do you think the shrines in Inazuma have a guardian or a god protecting it? Since almost everything in this world has their own representative." The traveller shrugged. "I don't know about that. But it's not impossible though." Paimon thought to herself as they walked. "Paimon thinks that if there is a shrine god, they must be powerful!" Aether raised an eyebrow, wondering what was she thinking. "Oh? Why so?" Paimon giggled. "Just a hunch. But it would be cool since most of the shrines here are still intact even though some are abandoned. We might meet them. Oh, I know! Maybe try calling for them next time we visit a shrine." Aether thought for a while before nodded. "Of course, wouldn't hurt to try."

Both of them walked together to finish the last two commissions for the day. One of the tasks required them to collect electro particles within the time limit which proved to be quite a hassle for the traveller and time consuming. As they made their way to the last destination for supplies collecting, they could hear the conversation between two treasure hoarders as they hid behind large crates.

"Hey, do you know about the shrine that was rumored to be haunted?"
"Haunted? Couldn't say I have. Why though?"
"Well, there's this one shrine located at southern Yashiori Island near the Jakotsu Mine. It was said to be once a grand shrine and that many people used to pray there, but now it's abandoned. One of the people wondered there on a trip to find some information about Jakotsu Mine and found the shrine completely abandoned. As he walked closer to the shrine, a gust of wind blew as his surroundings became darker and a sense of dread filled the air. He said it was suffocating and scary so he ran away and never turning back to look behind."
"Gosh, that's awful. I don't think I would have a goodnight sleep if I were him."

Paimon and Aether looked at each other as they gulped. "D-do you still want to g-go there, Aether? P-paimon don't think it's a joke." Aether patted Paimon. "Don't worry, if there's anything I'll protect you no matter what. You can count on me." Aether smiled as Paimon hugged him. "Huwaa thank you for being by Paimon's side, Aether."

Aftet a while, they finished the last commission and went to Inazuma City to claim the reward for completing today's missions. Then, they made their way to Jakotsu Mine as the treasure hoarder had mentioned.

"H-hey Aether... Do you really think this is a good idea? It does seems haunted. P-paimon is not scared! Paimon is not scared at all!" Aether only shook his head and chuckled. "Don't worry, Paimon. I'm sure everything is fine. Maybe a little creepy, but I'm here for you." Paimon was hesitated but nodded slowly. "Okay... Paimon trust you." Both of them walked together until they got deeper into the mine and found the rumoured shrine. They looked at each other before proceeding to inspect it closer. They bowed as a sign of respect before Aether took out a sachet and placed it in the shrine as he clasped both of his hands together. He made a wish, which is to find his lost sister, and they waited for a while. Suddenly, their surroundings became darker, making Paimon hid behind Aether. Aether drew his sword, ready to attack whatever ghost that might appear. Then, a figure appeared before them, sharp e/c gazed upon them, causing them to flinch.

"State your purpose, dear mortal."

Aether gulped as he opened his mouth to speak. "I am Aether and this is my companion, Paimon. I am a traveller and I'm here to make a wish to find my lost sister." The sharp gaze narrowed its eyes as they observed the two beings. The gaze soon soften and the dark aura lifted, replaced with a cold air breeze. The figure revealed a tall male with long silky h/c and fair s/c . He smiled. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you travellers. I'm Y/n L/n, the guardian angel of all the shrines in Inazuma. I apologize if I scared you. I got myself on guard every time people come here after all that archon war conflict." He gave them an apologetic look as Aether smiled. "It's alright, we understand." Paimon then spoke. "So the shrines do have a guardian. Aether, should we ask Ei about it? She must know lots!" As soon as Y/n heard the particular name, he widened his eyes as he gasped. "Ei..? She's still alive?" Paimon and Aether were surprised. "You know her?" Y/n nodded. "That's right. We've known each other for a very long time before I decided to settle down here in this shrine. Ah, you could say we were kind of close." Aether looked at him. "Would you like to meet her? You guys can talk together. She might have missed you. She's also lonely and probably need someone to talk to so you can help with that." Y/n was hesitated at first but slowly nodded. "Alright..."

"Achoo! Ah, pardon me.." Y/n sneezed as he covered his mouth with his hand. It has been a while since he last go out so he might have a difficulty adjusting himself to the cold temperature. Aether was worried so he gave him a handkerchief that he bought in Mondstadt. "Are you alright? Should I make you some soup or maybe tea?" He shook his head. "No, it's alright. I'm fine. Thanks for offering though." Aether wasn't convince but nodded. "If you say so.."


"Excuse us, but is the Raiden Shogun available? We have some things to discuss with her if that's okay." The guard nodded. "Yes. She's currently not busy and available to have you as our honoured guest. You may enter." Aether smiled as he thanked the guard before going in. There stood Raiden Shogun who was looking outside the window. As soon as she heard their footsteps she turned her head towards them. "State your purpose, traveller." Aether bowed. "We wished to see Raiden Ei. We have something important to discuss about." The puppet stared at them blankly before closing its eyes and nodded. Suddenly, the world around them shattered as they got summoned in the Plane of Euthymia. Raiden Ei was meditating as usual, but stopped as soon as her guests came in. She smiled. "Traveller, what brings you here?" Aether returned the smile. "Well, we came here to give report about the task you've given the other day. Everything went smoothly and we finished some commissions regarding the Inazuman people." Ei nodded. "That's good to hear. Is there anything else? You sure don't come here for trivial matters, right?" Ei chuckled. "You see, we do have something or more like someone special for you here." Aether stepped aside revealing Y/n in his usual formal clothing, smiling softly. Ei widened her eyes as she stared at him. "Y-y/n..? Y-you are alive?" The h/c only chuckled and nodded. "Of course I do, dear. I see Inazuma had become much lively than before. I assume the traveller here helped you with some things, yes?" At this point, Ei's eyes became teary as a drop of tear fell from her cheek. "I-I can't believe it... Is that really you?.." Y/n nodded and chuckled. "Were you waiting for someone else then?" "Y/n!" Ei ran towards him and hugged him tightly. Y/n returned the hugged and patted her head as Ei cried in his embrace. "There, there.. traveller and Paimon, would you like to return? I can send you back if you want." Aether and Paimon nodded in unison since they know that it would be awkward for them if they stayed. "Then.. farewell." They waved at him before disappearing into thin air.

Ei sniffed as she looked at Y/n. "Why didn't you say anything? Where were you? I thought you were gone forever. I thought everyone left me." Y/n smiled. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was recovering from all that corruption during the war. I thought I wasn't able to see you again..." Y/n wiped the tears off her cheek as she leaned in his touch. "I.. saw how you got hurt very badly.. I was so worried back then. But I had to focus on the other things. I'm so glad you're alright. Just don't leave me again." "Of course, dear. I won't." Y/n placed a soft kiss on her forehead before kissing her on the lips. They broke the kiss soon after and gasped for air.

"I love you, my dear."
"I love you too, Y/n..."


Hmm I'm not satisfied with this one but... I'll try my best!

Genshin Impact x ReadersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora