You hesitated before you answered

"Yes. Yes I do."

Nobara got on the bed again and let the cat on it.

Miso sat on Megumi's lap.

"Megumi. She likes you."

Megumi smiled and pet it.
"What's her name?"


Nobara took the cat and put it in her lap.

Miso went to Megumi's lap again, and again, and again.

You let out a small laugh.

"I don't think Megumi is the problem Nobara. By the way where is Yuji?"

"Ah. He is with Gojo."

You eyes widened.

Yuji told you that he remembers Sukuna's memories.
That means.

You rushed out the door and ran to Gojo's dorm.

You opened the door and raised your head looking at Yuji that had his mouth open. He must have been talking to Gojo.

"Y/n se-"
He said before you pulled him out of the dorm slamming the door closed.

You grabbed him from his neck and looked at him.

"Yuji. Listen to me. Please don't say anything. I beg you."

"Im sorry Y/n sensei. I'm not risking losing you."

"Listen I have a plan. Just don't tell anyone anything yet."

He hesitated. "Then explain to me what is the "information"?"

"You will find out sooner or later just be patient and don't tell anyone."


He opened Gojo's dorm door and got in the room. You felt relieved and relaxed.

Then you heard the door open. You looked at who it was and turns out It was Gojo. As you were about to leave he grabbed your arm.

"Look Y/n I'm sorry. I pressured you again and made you feel bad. I'm really sorry."


"What does "ok" mean?" He asked letting go of your hand.

"I- I don't know."

He lowered his head and got closer to you. He grabbed your waist from behind and rested his head on your shoulder.

"Please Y/n."

"Fine." He kissed your lips and hugged you.

"You are the best." He said.

"Don't take anything I said back then seriously. I was angry." You told him.

He nodded and let you go.


Nobara shouted from down the hall pointing at you two.

You looked up and you saw Megumi and Nobara. Megumi had a 'are you kidding me face' and Nobara smiled as Megumi gave her 20 dollars.

You turned your head synchronized with Gojo and you saw behind you Yuji  looking in his pocket for something.

He walked to Nobara and gave her 20 dollars too.

"Losers." Nobara said smiling.

"It's not my fault I thought they were never going to confess to each other. I really thought they were teasing us the previous day!"
Yuji said.

"YOU BET ON US?" Gojo shouted.

"Yes. Yes we did" Nobara said proudly.
"And I won."

"Explain." You said confused.

"Well." Nobara said knowing that she is in trouble. "I bet you two are going to get together, megumi bet that you two are more like best friends and Yuji bet that you will never confess to each other. And I won"

"Is that Miso with Nobara?" Gojo whispered to you.

"Yes" you said disappointed.

"So they found out that you have a cat and that we are a couple?"

"Yeah." You said disappointed again.

"House arrest. All of you."

"NOOOO." The students shouted.

"Come on y/n sensei." Megumi said.

"I thought it was fun" -Nobara.


"No questions. To your dorms."

"Fine." They all answered and went to Yuji's.

"NOT WITH THE CAT." Gojo shouted.

Aaand they didn't listen to him. They shut the door behind them as the made mocking faces.

Gojo asked you why did they have Miso and you explained to him.

"I guess there is nothing to hide from them anymore."

"Yeah now Miso is their responsibility too."

You felt pain strike through your whole body.

"Y/n are you okay?"

"Y-yep just fine."

"Great then. We have a mission so get ready."

"??!" He saw the look on your face.

"Unfortunately yes. And I wanted to enjoy some time with you."

He grinned.

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