- Dumbledore -

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No ones POV :

Hermionie was still comforting Harry as he hugged her tightly, as well as tearing up " Well, are you going to tell Dumbledore? " Hermionie interrupted, as she pulled away from the hug. " I don't really wann- " , " Harry, you have to tell him. It's for the better, maybe he can also help with your pregnancy? " Hermionie again interrupted Harry, Harry sighed and gave in as he knew she wasn't going to give up until he agreed. " Fine .. maybe later though? " Harry asked.

" Oh come on, don't act so sloppy! Let's go tell him. " She said, pulling Harry up from his chair. " Awhh- but Mionie' ! " Harry whined, as Hermionie kept dragging him. " No buts! " She said, as she was already pulling him into the halls and then into Dumbledore's office. The girl said the password and scanned the office for the white bearded man.

" Oh, Mr. Potter, Ms, Granger. What are you both doing here? " The old man asked, " Well um, we have something to say, Professor. " Hermionie answered, nervously. Dumbledore sat down on his chair and pointed at the two chairs infront of him. " Well, take a seat then. " He replied, as both sat down. " So umm.. Harry here is,,, " The girl stuttered.

" Well? Spit it out Ms. Granger. " The old man replied, clasping his hands. " Pregnant. " she said, trying to stay calm. Dumbledore looked at her, she scanned his eyes for any sort of disgust, and anger but he was just .. numb? " And who is the father, then? " He asked, still very restful looking. Harry sighed as he looked down shamefully. " D-dr .. " ..

" DRACO??! " Hermionie gasped, Harry nodded as he bit bis lip. ( not in a sexual way omg ) " Well, have you told him? " Dumbledore asked, Harry shook his head no as he looked down at his feet again. " Hmm.. I'm going to call him to my office, hold on. " The old man answered, as he went to get a piece of parchment and a quill.

Harry was terrified, what would Draco say when Dumbledore tells him? He was bouncing his leg until Hermionie put a hand on his shoulder. " It'll be alright, Harry. I'm sure Mal- Draco .. will be supportive .. " She said, trying to comfort Harry. " But what if he doesn't?! It's Draco MALFOY we're talking about! " He shrieked quietly. " Oh Harry! Don't judge a book by it's cover. " She said, Harry sighed in defeat and stayed quiet.

~~~~ Timeskip ~~~~

Harry's POV :

It's already been 7 minutes.. he's probably not coming knowing him, Hermionie opened her mouth to say something but just before she could Draco barged into the room, his hair messy and his clothes wrinkled up. " You called .. professor? " He asked, tidying his clothes. " Ah yes, Mr. Malfoy. Please take a seat beside Harry. " Dumbledore answered

Draco raised his eyebrow as he looked at me, but sat down. " So, Mr. Malfoy, Have you and Mr. Potter .. hooked recently? " He asked, still staying in his usual restful tone. Draco widened his eyes as furrowed his eyebrows.
He nodded stiffly as Dumbledore was writing something on a piece of parchment paper . " Well, since you are the baby daddy, you both will be sharing a private room together. " Dumbledore said, Draco widened his eyes even more

" What do you mean baby daddy? Is he pregnant with my child? " Draco asked, Jaw dropped from the news. " Yes, from your irresponsibility of not using protection look where we are now. Anyways, I will prepare a nursery for your baby, and your room has been expanded. " ( as in they get a kitchen, nicer bathroom, living room, etc ) " If anything goes wrong, you will be excused. Mr. Potter. " Dumbledore again said, as he dismissed the three of us out of his office.

" So, um.. Harry- " Draco said, fiddling with his hands. " It's alright if you don't wanna be apart .. of the baby's life, I understand.. " I interrupted, but Draco's eyes widened. " What do you mean? Of course I wanna be apart of it's life! " Draco said defensively, He then placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead. " Why do you think i'd abandone my own child? " He asked, As my cheeks turned into a dangerous shade of red. " You both know i'm here, right? " Hermionie chuckled, as both of the boys popped out of their their bubble, " Of course we know, mud- Hermionie .. " Draco stuttered, trying to sound nice. " Dray! " I said, slapping Draco lightly, " Sorry, love "

Draco answered. " Love? Nicknames already? " Hermionie asked, I looked at her nervously and sighed. " Um.. actually Mionie' , we've been together for a while- .. I just haven't told you and Ron yet. " i interrupted, as The girls eyes shot out of their sockets. " No way? And you didn't tell us! " Hermionie shrieked angrily. " Well, I thought you'd be mad I was literally dating our rival? " i answered. Hermionie sighed and looked at me deeply in his eyes.

" Harry, we'll always accept you. No matter what! " she said, as she smiled softly. I smiled back and hugged her.

Hii! Sorry this chap is short but I just wanted to get this chap over with so I could
Continue my two other stories, my newest being " Under your skin " so if you have the
Time please go and read it since i'm working on Chap 1/2 and also chap 5 on Texts and posts!
Anyway please give some feedback, see you loves!

- Sweet Scent.. - Drarry - DISCONTINUEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें