- The great hall -

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Chapter one
October 13, 2006
( ik the movies and books r in the 90's but go along w it )

The sun is shining onto the window, reflecting its light onto the red, golden sheets. Forming the silhouette of a small boy getting up from his slumber, as the raven haired boy yawns and stretches and rubs his eyes he thinks to himself another day in hell.. , the last thing he wanted to do was get out of bed, still here he was waking up on another Monday morning. Still even if he wanted to he still needed to get up and get ready for whatever awaited him.. the boy was annoyed, as he also just started his first heat ( he's 15 here ) so he was burning. Plus a lot of alpha's are going to try and " advance " on him.. either way he headed to the bathroom to get ready, he finally buttoned his white slightly oversized shirt. They didn't have any of his size so he just had to deal with oversized clothes.. he hated being an omega, always being small and seen as a slut, sex toy, and home breeder. While alpha's were praised and always the higher status principals. God he hated this life, plus as he was unmated other alpha's and beta's saw a colossal sign above his head saying " Fuck me, fuck me please !!! " . It made him as cross as two sticks. Either way as he thought about it he made his way to the entrance of the great hall. He then spotted his ginger haired friend just a few feet away from him. He then walked over to him and greeted his friend Hey Ron! You're early this time? the smaller boy said, with a sly smile on his face Yeah, I just woke up early today the ginger replied, smiling back but more brightly than the raven. Well i'm hungry, we should go in! The ginger again said. Rubbing his stomach as a visible stomach growl was heard. The raven again laughed and they both went in, of course as he was in his heat the other alpha's were staring and licking their lips.. Disgusting the boy thought to himself, these alpha's had no self control what so ever.. at least the beta's were a little better.. as he thought that to himself a alpha went up to him, leaning closer to him as he was walking. The boy leaned backwards, almost stumbling just then the gods blessed him as Ron pushed the alpha backwards Back off! Keep your hands and dick to yourself.. the ginger growled lowly, as he helped the smaller back onto feet. The alpha ran back to his table surrendering, the raven haired was so greatful for Ron. You alright mate? Some of em' alphas can be so off putting.. he said in a slightly displeased voice, Yeah, i'm alright. Let's head over to mionie the boy said, as the taller nodded as they made their way to their crazy haired friend, they both saw her reading a book that was literally plastered onto her face Hey peach! Ron said cheerfully, the raven put on a fake disgusted face, as his friend Hermionie rolled back her eyes. Hey sweetie, I see you guys had some scene over there, huh? Mionie said, as she observed what happened at the scene earlier Mhm, some of these alphas can't keep their pants on sometimes.. Ron said again slightly displeased, the muggle born giggled and kissed the ginger's cheek Glad you aren't like them she said in a still tone Anyway enough about Ron, How are you Harry? the girl asked the raven I've been alright the raven replied softly, he was appreciative he had the two as friends, what would he do without them? Suddenly he felt himself burning up.. God.. I feel myself burning up, now the alphas are staring he said in a crabby voice, annoyed that his heat was acting up again.. Can't relate she laughed lightly, since she was a beta she couldn't experience heat, i'm jealous honestly.. she doesn't have to be objectified or seen just as a dick pleasurer by these beast's. Ron laughed along with her which made me even more hostile, if you're wondering why Ron hasn't even pounced on Harry yet it's because he's already mated with mionie, plus he isn't attracted to males so even if he wasn't mated he wouldn't have cared either way, just as the two were laughing the entrance doors suddenly open blaringly, I then see a silhouette belonging to a tall male, rushing towards the Slytherin table grabbing a piece of toast as breakfast was about to end, Of course it was Malfoy.

Alright- unfortunately that's the end of this chapter, sorry its so short! I hope you enjoyed tho!
But if you didn't please tell me what to improve or add in chapter two or
In this chapter! I'd be greatful for either. And please if you can give me some
Ideas for chap two 😭😭

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