"What, no thank you?" He pulls his sunglasses off and takes another step. The look in his eyes is vexing. I'm not sure what he's about to do, but he better not even think about touching me.

The day he hears the words "thank you" from me will be the day my dignity has been fully lost.

He steps right up to me, forcing me to look up so I can actually see him. I'm not breaking eye contact first, no way in hell. He will not be seeing any sign of retreat from me. He knows I'm not the type of girl to back down. He starts to reach down and I stiffen, my eyes hardening. He doesn't stop, though. He looks down for a beat and reaches for the fanny pack around my waist, the one that holds the cash. He unzips it, still staring at me. He pulls a twenty out of his pocket and stuffs it in the fanny pack, zipping it back up. Leaning down the tiniest bit, he says, "Keep the change."

Finally, he steps back and turns around, walking back towards Topper and Kelce. I can see the shit-eating grin on his face. He thinks he's won. They're laughing out loud and once again, I'm left looking like a dumbass. I quickly walk back to the cart and pull away, but when I look back, Rafe gives me a little finger-wave that makes my blood boil.

Two can play at that game.

After an extremely long day of dealing with entitled trust fund babies and their rich mommies and daddies, it's finally time to head to the Chateau. I quickly clock out, change out of my uniform, grab my backpack and skateboard, and take off.

The Chateau is John B's place, and I'm basically always there when I'm not working. I never get tired of hanging with the Pogues — somehow, they always find a way to make things fun. Most of the time, though, we're just drinking, getting high, and doing stupid shit. They've been my best friends for years, and they're the only people on this earth that I truly love.

The ride from the country club to the Chateau is a long one, but I've gotten used to making the trip. I work pretty much every day in the summer and always head over after to see what kind of dumbass plan JJ came up with for the night. I just plug in my headphones, play my music, and coast.

By the time I make it to John B's, I'm a little out of breath. I don't work out much... unless surfing counts.

I take my headphones out and kick up my skateboard, making my way around to the back. Everyone's usually either in the backyard or on the back porch. I can hear the music bumping as I round the corner. JJ and John B are having a slap fight while Pope and Kie are sitting on the porch steps, talking. I very quietly drop my board and sneak up behind them.

"What's up, fuckers?" I yell, and everyone turns my way. I open my arms and Kie stands, giving me a hug.

"Sage! Oh, thank god, I swear I forget what it's like to hang out with another girl when I'm around them for too long. Too much dumbassery," She scolds them playfully, and I laugh, releasing her from the hug.

Kie is the closest girl friend I have. If I'm not sleeping at John B's, usually I'm sleeping at hers. She lives on Figure Eight with all the other Kooks, but she's a full-blown Pogue in our eyes. Her parents aren't very fond of the Pogues, but they like me for some reason. Or maybe they just feel bad for me. Either way, I'm not complaining.

John B and JJ pause their slap fight long enough for JJ to come over and give me a big kiss on the cheek. I laugh and push him away. "You're like a puppy, always kissing me."

"Well come over here, I'll give you some more," He jokes and reaches for my face, but I slap his hands. He scoffs, going in for a hug. I wrap my arms around his back and squeeze.

I'm closest to JJ out of everyone. He's been there for me through everything, and he knows how to handle me when I get into my moods. He's also the only other person that knows what it's like to not want to go home. Whenever I'm sleeping at the Chateau, he's right next to me on the couch. We're both a little fucked up, so we gravitated towards each other when we first met.

I won't lie, JJ and I have a sort of on-and-off thing, but it's never been serious. We both know that. We're too alike, so a relationship is not in the cards for us. We only ever do anything when we're both hammered or high off something, and when we wake up in the morning, we're best friends again.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" I ask, looking around at my best friends. Surely they've come up with something for us to do by now.

"Well..." JJ starts. He waits a couple seconds, then looks at all of us like he's waiting for us to do something. "Drumroll, please!"

No one moves. I cross my arms over my chest and breathe out a little sigh.

"Okay, no drumroll, that's cool. Would've been nice for added effect but—" He continues rambling, and we all collectively let out a groan.

"JJ! Just tell her, it's not like it's any different than what we do every other night," Pope says.

"Kegger at the Boneyard?" I ask, already knowing the answer. JJ steps towards me and grabs my face in both hands, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

"You are so smart. This is why we keep you around," He gives me a cheeky grin, then runs inside. I laugh, watching him go. He has a funny definition of smart.

I turn back to the other guys. "Okay, how're we getting the kegs? The guy at County Liquor?"

"You bet. We're taking the Twinkie right now, we were just waiting for you," John B says, dangling the keys in his hand.

JJ has an in with the guy at the liquor store because of his dad, and we take full advantage of that. Luke's not the most likeable person on this island, but he's good for something.

Pope and Kie stand, and JJ almost knocks them over when he comes barreling back outside.

He stops and raises his hands, a can in each.

"Beer for the road!"

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