While GLaDOS became absorbed in working on the different projects the night passes without them even noticing. At around 8:20 Henry opened the door followed by more people. GLaDOS was a bit surprised that they returned until they noticed the time. They moved their main frame to look at the glass window, observing who entered. Today Williams and Rocco weren't there, but in turn two new faces that GLaDOS didn't recognized arrived.

One of them had black hair, and unhealthy-looking white skin. GLaDOS noticed that his eyes were darting around the room, going from themselves to different screens inside the control station. The other new face on the other hand had blond hair and slightly tanned skin. He had a neutral expression. "Good morning, Henry Peterson, James Nelson and two Unknown Individuals." The black-haired person seemed slightly surprised at that statement, and started to look between Henry and GLaDOS.

"I thought it was successful, Henry? What is the meaning of this?" the black haired person looked at Henry intently, demanding answers while the blond one seemed to be smiling a little? "Calm down now Doug. I said the activation was a success, and there weren't any further problems. Sadly, GLaDOS doesn't seem to remember anything yet."

"That is for certain not a 'success'! The only reason why we even considered putting an AI in charge of the facility was because they were supposed to have a human mind! And not just any human mind, but one that could be trusted! This is in no way safe!" 'Doug' as Henry called him seemed somewhat furious. "GLaDOS does have a human mind, and I am sure they will regain their memories in due time. For now, we are testing their capabilities." Henry replied, trying to calm down Doug.

After some reassuring from Henry, Doug seemed to settle down, if slightly unwillingly. "Now that that's been taken care of... GLaDOS let me introduce you to these two gentlemen. The one with the black hair is Doug Rattmann. The one with blond hair is Paul Sanders. They both helped us with design and ideas for you even though they aren't part of the official team. Doug is a good friend of mine, while Paul is one of our top researchers. Though both of them are currently preoccupied with their own projects. Otherwise, we would have gotten them on the main team." GLaDOS dismissed the information on the two for now and greeted them properly. "Good morning, Doug Rattmann and Paul Sanders. I am the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System. You can just call me GLaDOS." GLaDOS moved their mechanical body close to the window and looked at them each while greeting them. They both flinched backwards a bit.

"Now GLaDOS, don't scare them like that." Henry said while shaking his head slightly. Though there was a small smirk he was trying to hide. Paul seemed a bit annoyed at the statement, while Doug didn't seem to care much. He was preoccupied observing all the screens. "For now, will you tell us how yesterday's tests went?"

GLaDOS nodded. "From the ten Test Subjects, Nolan Goodwin and Elyse Josephs solved the tests the fastest. I propose to create 'Advanced Test Chambers' in the future to get results from more difficult environments from very qualified test subjects." Henry, Paul and Nelson seemed a bit surprised when hearing Elyse name but didn't press the subject any further. "The shortest finishing time was 4 hours and 37 minutes finished by Nolan Goodwin. The slowest time was 16 hours and 22 minutes finished by Brent Harrison. That was the quick rundown of yesterday's test. I have uploaded the recordings of all test runs to the cloud I was given access to."

"We will give the Advanced Chambers a bit more of consideration. Continuing on, did you do anything else GLaDOS?" Henry inquired, already guessing after the last time that GLaDOS might have done something else in their free time. "Yes. I have built 5 more test chambers and three example chambers for Advanced Chambers. Additionally I have started work on new test chamber parts as there is only so much you can do with the limited parts I was given access to." Henry didn't seem too surprised at that. Someone did have to leave the unfinished projects in their computer space after all, so it might have been Henry. Doug and Paul looked a bit surprised though.

"Will you show us what you have done. The Chambers can wait, let's see the other stuff first." Henry asked. GLaDOS turned towards the screen at the wall and activated it. Doug twitched backwards because of the loud noises GLaDOS made which reminded GLaDOS of something. "I would also request that my body gets a bit of soundproofing. The loud noises get slightly annoying with time." Henry only nodded and said "Later, later."

The first thing their finished deigns on the new panels. The old were able to move up and down, and tilt on their axes, but that was about it. The new design could also move up and down, but they could also spin, move to the sides, and tilt in all directions and not only on their axes. It wasn't anything too grand, but it would make for more unique test chambers. The scientist seemed to like the new design.

The Aerial Pads were basically kept the same, so GLaDOS just skimmed over the small changes they made to make them more efficient and got to the protection gear. The gear may still be a work in progress, but it looks similar to Military Protection Gear. Though it's specialized to absorb shock, and comes in base color of white, grey, blue, orange and black instead of camouflage. Henry, Nelson and Doug seemed to like the new design. Though Paul has been awfully quite for a while now. GLaDOS couldn't quite make out his facial expression either. 'Maybe he isn't feeling well?'

"It's quite impressive what you have managed in just one night, GLaDOS." Henry started talking after GLaDOS turned of the screen. "Remind me again, you wanted soundproofing, right?" GLaDOS looked back through the window and nodded. In that case, we should have materials to make said modifications. How about we do it right now?" Henry suggested, apparently it was his idea of a rewards for GLaDOS' work. "I would be grateful." GLaDOS said, without thinking too much about it.

"Well then, in that case... We'll turn you off so we can work safely on the modifications." Henry said. Dread filled GLaDOS, but yet again before they could properly respond Nelson already pressed the shutdown button.

"Shutdown Initiated" the announcer said. The last movement GLaDOS did was look at Paul who had a smirk on his face. Then their body went limp. "Good night GLaDO-" were the last words from Henry. Then everything went dark.

"Shutdown Complet-"

GLaDOS awakensजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें