The Archives

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I had a lot of motivation and vague inspiration but the chapter just didn't want to become written.... Sorry about the wait.


"Look, Breakdown. He's waking up."

Breakdown and his partner were crouched on the floor in a small circle around the seeker. Knock Out went about checking Starscream's vitals while Breakdown shifted the poor seeker into a more comfortable position on the floor. The two mechs watched anxiously as Starscream opened his optics with a bleary groan. Breakdown's gaze shifted from their patient to Knock Out, his frame tense and ready for Knock Out to begin giving him orders.

"Starscream?" Knock Out said softly. He flashed a small light in both optics and frowned when little response was received. "Starscream, can you hear me?"

"Sky..." was all the seeker said before he hunched in on himself and emitted a low, keening wail.

Knock Out inserted himself between Breakdown and the sobbing seeker, pushing his partner up to his pedes. He stroked Starscream's wings and held him tightly, only pausing to show Breakdown what needed to be done.

"Grab a container of energon, Breaky. The medical grade, not the regular kind. Oh, and bring me one of those earth blankets we've got stored in our berthroom. You know, the soft ones?"

Feeling a little frazzled and ultimately at a loss for words, Breakdown simply nodded and rushed off to complete the tasks Knock Out had assigned him. In his servos, Starscream finally seemed to have calmed down. He drew quick, shaky breaths, clinging to Knock Out's frame like it was the only thing keeping him grounded in the real world.

"Knock Out?" He asked, his vocalizer trembling from his tears.

"I'm here, Starscream," Knock Out said, his optics trained on the door. Any second now, Breakdown would arrive with blankets and energon. "Are you all right?"

"I... I don't know," Starscream said, his voice small. He curled up tighter against Knock Out's chest, his bright red optics gleaming with tears. "It hurt, Knock Out. It hurt so bad—" Starscream's rambling was cut off by another bout of sobs.

Breakdown arrived just in time and handed Knock Out the container of energon. Knock Out accepted it with a small smile and looked down at his patient, then at the medical berth. Seeming to have read his mind, Breakdown crouched down and hoisted the seeker into his arms. Knock Out followed behind with the energon and blanket as his partner set their patient down onto the birth.

"Easy, Starscream," Knock Out said, tossing the blanket over Starscream's limbs. "Here, why don't you have some energon?"

If Starscream's face could have gotten any paler, it would have at that moment. Starscream eyed the container with a frown.

"I'd... rather not."

"It's medical grade," Breakdown urged from the other side of the berth. He was busy cleaning up the tools that had fallen after Starscream's episode. "It won't upset your tanks. Er, right, Knock Out?"

"Breakdown's right, Starscream." Knock Out took the energon from the seeker's grasp and held it up to his chin. "Your energy readings are low. As your physician, I suggest you refuel."

Starscream rolled his optics and snatched the energon back. "I can feed myself, you know," he huffed.

However, when Starscream looked at the container of energon, all he could see was the endless sky that spanned in front of him from his vision. His tanks churned at the memory. Starscream set the energon aside and rested his servos over his abdomen.

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