chapter 2

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chapter 2

"so how is it?"

he watched as eddy's adam's apple bobbed up and down, his hands fidgeting with his hair awkwardly, such a stark difference from eddy's usual confident nature. brett smiled, relishing in the knowledge that he (and admittedly, with help from the maid costume) was able to make eddy feel this way - nervous, twitchy and on edge. 

"what's wrong?" brett asked innocently, knowing full well that he had eddy on a hook.

"i- uh, nothing," squeaked eddy, loudly clearing his throat and carding his hands through his hair decisively. "let's get this video over with," he said.

"you sound tense," brett teased, "i wonder why?"

all of a sudden, eddy sharply grabbed brett's face, and placed a sloppy, hard kiss against brett's mouth. he pulled away, both their lips now wet and quivering. brett was pretty sure his cheeks were flaming pink, complementing the outfit.

"i swear to god, brett, when you wear that..." eddy trailed off, turning away and busying himself with "setting up the camera" that was already perfectly set.

"why, i didn't know you were so kinky," brett smirked, lightly smacking eddy's bum from behind him.

eddy expertly grabbed brett's leaving hand, twisting himself to face brett and let brett's hand drop to the side. eddy placed his own hands on brett's shoulders, sliding them down to brett's chest, and drifting even further to brett's hips.

"stop, or you'll ruffle it," brett whined, smoothing the costume out. "you're acting as if you ironed it yourself," eddy laughed, "all you did was take it out of a packet!" 

"and a bloody terrible packet too!" brett retorted. "it took me five minutes just to open the damn thing!"

eddy placed a small kiss on the outside of his mouth to shut him up, and gently manoeuvred brett to the wall, so that eddy was pressed up against him. eddy started to kiss brett deeply and heavily, letting his skilled violinist fingers meander down brett's neck.

"if you keep up with this," brett warned, panting, "we'll be filming late into the night and i'll have to get this bloody costume back on again."

"that doesn't sound like a bad idea..." eddy purred, smiling against brett's lips, "i'd love to see you in this costume again." the nerve of this man! brett thought. "we should probably start filming," he said. eddy nodded, pulling away and taking a deep breath, as though to calm himself and his urges down, filling brett with an exhilarating sense of delight - that he was able to get eddy like this - unhinged and out of his usual controlled manner. 

"we'll continue this later," eddy whispered, poking brett's chest slightly and walking away with a wink. but despite his burning cheeks brett knew he had the upper hand, and he wasn't going to let his advantage go to waste. oh, we'll definitely continue this later .

eddy started the video, switching on the camera and taking a seat behind the table. brett stood outside the frame, first checking to see that the camera focused on eddy, and then gave him a thumbs-up. eddy started, "hey, welcome back to another epsiode of twoset violin. today we have a very important announcement to make," while brett did his best to hold in his laughter at eddy's serious tone while standing out of the shot. brett couldn't help but stare at eddy's pinker-than-usual lips, his hair slightly messed up from the activities earlier. 

on cue, brett trodded into the frame, trying desperately to hold back a smile while letting out an enthusiastic "nya!". he held back the urge to brush himself against eddy's shoulders as his eyebrows arched and eddy said "ooh, ooh, calm down brett, that's for the subscribers only." after the video ended with some provocative dancing and another "nya!" from brett, eddy reached out to switch off the camera.

"so, shall we continue?" eddy asked.

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