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sully family come to the ocean people and your secretly
Still a human in a avatar and is not a real na'vi yet but only the ocean chief and his
Wife knows and after you fall in love with neteyam, at the spirit tree you have a Seizure
Along with kiri , what you see while in the trance of the spirit tree you see your human
Family and neteyam's family on the other and eywa it above you and says choose a side
And you choose and Once you do You see Kiri and her mom and call out to her
She turns around but as soon As she does her mom gets pulled back she turns
And scream to her mom and once her mom is gone she turn and hugs you crying but Once she does you both have a Seizure And when you wake up your full na'vi.

that's it ig its only part of what I had a idea about but I cant remember the rest so whatever but bye bye I'll be back soon.

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