Kai turns to me. "Nya, can we talk? Privately?"

Not wanting to raise a protest in front of Jay, I nod.

"Don't go anywhere," I whisper to him as I leave.

He chuckles. "I couldn't even if I wanted to."

I smile.

The moment we're out the door, a familiar voice rings in my ears.

"Ha! Suck it, Kai!" Lloyd's voice is one you can't forget. I even hear a yelp from my room, probably Jay startled by the sudden noise.

"I'm coming to kick your butt in a minute, mushroom head!" Kai yells out into the other room, then groans.

A snicker escapes my lips. "Since when is he here?"

We enter our parents' (now Kai's...) room. As he closes the door, his voice lowers. "He's been here for hours now, but clearly you didn't notice him over your friend."

I narrow my eyes. "You're the one who wanted me to make friends again."

"That's what you think I'm worried about?" he tells me. "You're always skipping school, disappearing off to who knows where, and you snuck your friend in at six in the morning without even telling me he exists!"

I cross my arms, sitting down on the old bed. "What's wrong with Jay?"

"Nothing, so far," Kai admits. "I'm not saying he's not a nice guy, I'm saying that you're just so... distant lately."

"I wonder why. What could possibly have happened that could have made me be sad and distant?"

He sits down beside me, throwing his arm around my shoulders. "Nya, you know I've got your back. I know it's hard."

"At least I acknowledge it," I say, shaking off his grip. "I don't pretend everything is fine and normal when it isn't."

He looks at me for a moment, then chuckles. "Ouch." He tries to brush it off, but I regret my words the moment they leave my mouth.

"I'm sorry," I try to say meekly. My voice cracks (just like Jay's would) and Kai laughs.

"It's okay. Now I know how mum and dad felt raising me as a teen," he says. He bites his lip, trying to find a way to continue without welling up. It's rare that I see Kai cry nowadays. "I made a promise. Some teenage rebellion won't stop me from keeping it," he tries to joke.

I pretend to laugh, but all I want to do is disappear for a little while. I mess up more and more with every word I say.

"Jay wasn't lying about the parent thing, right?" he tells me.

I nod. Technically, he's right; Jay really has no one left from his time.

"Okay," he says. "He can stay the night. But he's not sleeping in your room."

As if he hasn't been rummaging through it every night for the past few days.

"I'll just take the couch."

"That may have to go to the others. They should be here in a bit."

"Now you wanted to do a sleepover?"

"Hey, it's a study session," he says. "With video games, and noodles, and sleeping. Sky and Pix will come as well."

I just hope that whoever comes leaves me to think.

I open the door. Even though the conversation isn't over, I want to get away. I want to be near Jay for whatever reason.

I find him in my room talking with Lloyd. Lloyd's showing him all the latest issues of Starfarer while Jay frantically tries to keep up. I chuckle at the sight.

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