The Artist Across the Classroom

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Semi POV

Why am I here...?

Why did I choose this again? Oh right I never.

I thought as I zoned out listening to Hachiro Sensei's lecture. She was rambling on about some old style of art from centuries ago. I never wanted to study art but my parents pretty much made it mandatory. It's a weird subject to force your child into, most parents would force their kids into subjects like finance or business studies, things that were considered useful not subjects in this field where careers and stable jobs can be hard to find.

So why am I here... well I don't actually know, most likely they want to live their dreams through me. Too bad for them I'm still going down the music path.

I hate being an art student. The coursework always adds a lot more extra stress than it's worth; 90% of my free time is stolen by coloured pencils and paintbrushes with 3 bristles that should probably be thrown away by now, the extra 10% isn't much better when i'm having to cram as much knowledge for my music course and prepare new music that will please my bitch of a professor. The classroom looks like a toddler designed it for one of those 'art' projects they do in preschool, only making me more miserable as it drains me of any energy and motivation I have left in my body. Safe to say my college life isn't the greatest. However there's one thing that is bringing light to this hellhole of a classroom.


He;s beautiful, maybe even majestic. He's living proof that if there is a god he has favourites. I've only ever spoken to him once or twice. On his first day, we were paired together for a project on portraiture. I had to paint him, he had to paint me. We rarely spoke during the time we had to work together. One time when it was assigned and we exchanged reference photos since we lived too far apart to simply visit each other, the other time we spoke was right at the end of the project when we showcased our portraits to the rest of the class. If it wasn't for Hachiro Sensei being the type of teacher to make the class interactive I doubt we would have ever spoken again.

During the 2 weeks I spent painting him I came to notice every little detail about his appearance from the unevenly cut copper bangs that oddly fit his sculpted face to the tiny specs of yellow just barely showing in his magnetic eyes that I found myself gazing into a lot. Somehow I found myself admiring even the scowl that was always present on the boy. Even if I denied it at first, believing that I could never like someone just from seeing a picture, it's undeniable that I did. Which brings us to where I am now once again admiring him from across the classroom like I always do during this god awful class like some sort of Ushijima Wakatoshi fangirl. Admiring the beauty that is...

Shirabu Kenjiro.

"Semi Eita. Want to tell me what's so interesting about Shirabu that you'd be distracted in my lesson. "

Oh fuck, now he's going to think i'm some sort of creep. My face flushes red with embarrassment. "Sorry. I zoned out." Hopefully Shirabu won't think about it too much. It's not like I'm ever going to confess,it'd be odd we can't even be considered friends yet. Imagine receiving a confession from some random person you had spoken to once. As if fate was on my side the copper haired boy himself came over.

"I can tell you weren't listening so I'll tell you. We have another portrait project due in 2 weeks and your face was interesting to paint last time so I'm painting you again." My face was interesting? Is that in a good or bad way... The blank look on his face makes it hard to tell. "Oh.. um, thanks I guess." He sat down beside me throwing me off guard as I just expected him to walk back to the seat across the classroom, where I could safely admire the soft, angelic, concentrated face he would make whilst he was slowly getting more and more lost in his own imagination.

The artist across the classroom - SemiShira OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now