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I ran my duet with Gino for the last time before competition. The dance was a very fun, snappy dance, but also an affectionate dance. I could only imagine another picture posted by anonymous. Since the photo on Tuesday, there had been two more. There was one of him with his arm around me in the den. One of us laughing at lunch. I had started narrowing it down, it had to be a dancer. Who else would see us together in the den?

Competition day. Competition day. I was the only Ziegler going this weekend. That stressed me out, but it more than anything scared me. What if Mackenzie never got better? Never danced? Then my mom would always have to tale care of her. And before I knew it, I was sitting on the floor of the dancers den crying into my arms. I was curled up into a ball in between the bench and door. I was the only one in the den, the only noise was my heavy sobs.

"Maddie?" I heard a door open, and a soft, but concerned, voice. I looked up and saw Chloe. "What's wrong?" She said as she sat down next to me. "Stress." I said. "I feel you." She laughed. "My mom isn't coming to the competition because Kenzie has her first chemo today." I said quietly. Chloe put her arm around me and pulled me in. No matter how much we were put against each other, we always had each others backs. "Come on, it's time to go. Everyone is waiting for you." We stood up and Chloe gave me a good hand squeeze. I went into my cubby and brushed a little make up on so it didn't look like I had been crying.

My breath was still shaky as I walked out of the ALDC with Chloe. "Thank you." I whispered before we got on the bus. "There you are Maddie! We could've been late to the competition!" Abby yelled. "Sorry Ms. Abby." I mumbled. I sat in an empty row near the back of the bus. I plugged my earphones in and listened to my music. It was about a 7 hour ride. We weren't gonna be late because the competition started tomorrow. I rolled my eyes in realizing that.

My music quieted for a moment, and I realized I had a notification. I checked my phone to see who had texted me, it was Gino. I texted him back. We talked about school, our duet, and then he called me no fun. I told him that we should sneak out tonight. He said I was no fun, I'll show him fun.

It was time for lunch and all the kids were waiting on the bus for the moms to get them lunch. I was sitting in between Gino and Chloe. Kendall and Nia sat in front of and Brooke and Paige sat behind us. We were all getting on our knees, jumping in the isle, being goofy.

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