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"Chloe!" Rachel shouted towards the two of them and walked up to the truck.

Max eyed Rachel as she saw the model get closer to Chloe, she wanted to get her away from her Chloe but she didn't know how too.

"Who's this?" Rachel asked motioning to Max, the two made eye contact and started a staring contest involunterily and Max won.

"She's Max." Chloe shrugged and leaned on her truck, Max went right next to her and copied Chloe's pose.

This made the punk chuckle slightly and Rachel just huffed, "Great introduction- You're cat is called Max too. Coincidences are cool"

"Sure are Rache, d'ya need something?" Chloe replied and wanted the conversation to end. The two talked still but only in passing, nothing more.

"Just wondering if you're free tomorrow. Justin's throwing a crazyass party and I was wondering if you were gonna make an apperance?"

"She's busy." Max sternly replied with and linked arms with Chloe,

"Oh..?" Rachel seemed suprised, so did Chloe, "You've already moved on?"

"Uh..." Chloe didn't know how to respond, but was stopped by Max,

'Yep. Now we're gonna go, thank you" Max spoke and held tighter on Chloe's arm while staring at Rachel, still not blinking.

"Okay- Gez..." the blonde rolled her eyes and walked off and Max smiled in achomplishment.

"Bad person gone!"

"Yeah... Gez Max you're scary when you're in protective mode"


"Yeah, 'protective'... how do I explain it uhhh... Guarding someone?"

"Oh! Yeah I protect you!"

"Thanks Maxy" Chloe ruffled Max's hair and the cat purred softly, "I wasn't gonna go to a part anyway, I got you to look after"

"Mhm! And I can look after you too" Max smiled and rested her head on Chloe's shoulder, "Can.... stay like this?"

A small laugh came from Chloe, she always smiled at Max's wording and didn't want to teach Max how to speak 100% accurately for this reason.

"If you want, we don't have anywhere else to be right now"

The two stayed put with Chloe stroking Max's brown hair calmly and Max resting on Chloe's sholder with their arms linked together. A few minutes passed and sounds of birds were in the distance, students and faculty were leaving the buildings nearby and various sounds of movement went by.

Those minutes turned into a full on hour of just watching the world go by, both of their minds at ease as there wasn't anything to be worried about nor had to think of much but just simply enjoy their time with one another.

Chloe's phone buzzed and she picked up her phone to see that Joyce was calling, the punk picked up immediately and moved her posture upwards.

"Hey mom"

'"Hey Chloe, callin to just ask where you were. You ain't home yet"

"Oh what's the time-" "4." Max replied, the cat an in-build watch in her head as she recognised the time from whenever she was hungry.

"Thanks Max- Uh yeah we'll be home soon"

"Max? Don't tell me that you've made a friend called Max now"

"I have. And yes, cat-Max is with me still. Best friends here"

"Right then, maybe invite your friend Max for dinner then"

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