Doors: Multiplayer Chapter 9 Spoiler

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Third Person POV - ___
As everyone progresses even further, ___ begins to notice two strange things happening.

One, ____ would glare at seemingly nothing and tell the wall to shut up.

And two, ____ and ____ seemed to grow more nervous the closer the group got to door 100 (which ____ assumes is the last door—or, well, more of hopes it's the last door). ____ will admit that they have a right to be scared, but it's...weird, to say the least. They seemed scared in...a different way, not like what ____ would consider as "normal fear."

"SHUT UP! YOU'RE SO ANNOYINGGG!" _______ whines to the wall again, staring at something—or someone?—only she can see.

"Aww, are you having a fight with your imaginary friend?" ___ taunts, pointing at ______ and laughing. A stare from ______ that burns into her soul instantly silences ____.

"I WILL KILL YOU AGAIN!" _______ threatens, beginning to violently curse at the wall in an unfamiliar language.

"Is that _____?" _____ guesses. _____ nods, still glaring murderously at the wall with hatred in her purple/pink eyes.

"I think that this child is not sane." ________ comments.

"I agree." ___ adds.

"Hey, _____, why don't we come up with a game to play while we're walking?" ____ suggests, trying to lighten the mood.

"YES! YES!!" ______ cheers enthusiastically, happy that someone has finally agreed to play with her.

"Actually, I don't think that's a good idea," ______ interrupts. "It would distract everyone, and someone might end up getting killed because of it."

"Hey, guys," _______ speaks up again. "I found this on top of ________'s body." _________ holds up some sort of large, metal battery-looking thing. It's stained with now-dried crimson blood.


"DID SOMEONE SAY DEAD BODY?" _______ asks suddenly, scaring the hell out of everyone. ______ jumps out of _____'s arms and lands unsteadily on the carpeted floor. ______ wobbles, but manages to keep her balance. _____ randomly pulls a shovel out of her pocket.

"Yay! I'll finally have a use for my shovel!" ______ exclaims. "Now, where's the dead body??"

"Did you...just wake up because someone mentioned dead bodies?" ______ asks in disbelief. ______ ignores her question.

"What do you think that could be used for?" _____ carefully asks ________. She still doesn't trust him. He knows way too much about this place. So much so that it's kind of creepy.

I won't be able to write much today cause I'm sleeping over at a friend's house and doing other stuff, so I gave you guys this as a spoiler, I guess. I've censored out all the names, so good luck trying to figure out who is who. :)

And this is farther into the chapter. I didn't feel like spoiling the start, because the start is where the most angst happens.

Total word count in chapter 9 so far: 2177

Word count in this part: 468 words.

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