Episode III

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"Don't!" Rey cried.

"I will have points for Slytherin," Kylo snarled. "I will have fifty points for Slytherin. He took points away from me. Don't you take them away from me too."

Rey was holding the wand in both hands now, gripping the flimsy bit of wood to her chest. "Ben, please. You don't have to be Slytherin. You can come back Gryffindor."

"Back? There is no going back. I was always Slytherin. This is where I am meant to be."

"No." She shook her head. Kylo turned his eyes to her since the teacher seemed more interested in what she was saying than Kylo's threats. "Luke told me you would have been a Gryffindor, then Snoke-"

"Snoke did nothing. I made my own path."


Kylo was about to correct her - his name was Kylo Ren, not Ben - but then he remember what Snape had said when he first arrived at Hogwarts. The grumpy professor had called Rey a Skywalker, and that, Kylo realised, was an even bigger mistake when it came to names.

While he was distracted by Rey, the old frog giggled as he leapt from one table to another. Disgusted, Hux scrunched his pale face and, data pad raised, declared that he was returning to the ship so he could plot his next Starkiller strike.

"Skywalker," Kylo muttered, turning his lightsaber hilt over in his hands. "Why did you use that name?"

For once, Rey said nothing. But she did stare at him, and as Snoke had always liked to remind Kylo, looks often said more than words. That was why Kylo enjoyed seeing Hux's expression as he force-dragged him down the hallways so his crew could watch.

The bell sounded, snapping Kylo from his thoughts. The other students had started filtering out of the room, so that only Kylo and a handful of the others remained. He heard the teacher saying something about lunch time, then watched as Rey tucked the wand into her robes.

"We're looking for the same thing," she said. "We need to understand Hogwarts' place in all this. I came here searching for answers as to why Master Luke kept writing about this school. What brought you here?"

Kylo stared at her, suddenly desperate to get to the dinning hall. "Why Skywalker?"

She was quiet again, but this time only for a moment. "I did want to take your hand. Ben's hand."

He turned his head sharply to watch a passing student through the open door, then snapped back to her. He rubbed his thumb and finger together. If he offered her his hand now, would she take it? If he pretended he like the name Ben - somehow managing to distract himself from how out-of-touch with his personality the name seemed - would she agree? Could he teach her the errors of her ways?

But what if she rejected him again? What would he do then?

"I'm going to find Professor Dumbledore's ghost," she said suddenly. "Master Luke said he was a friend of the Jedi, and Master Yoda told me I can find his ghost in the bathroom. I'd rather not do this alone - it is the boy's bathroom."

Before Kylo could answer the door swung open and a familiar presence swept into the room. The defective trooper - FN-2187, or Finn as his boyfriend called him. "REY!" He called at the top of his lungs. "REEEEEY!"

"Finn, no!" Rey answered, her voice changing.

Kylo waved his hand to closed the door, but Rey had already force-shoved her friend back into the corridor. "I'm sure he could take you to the bathroom," Kylo said. "Or perhaps not. He's is a traitor  after all."

Rey dipped her head slightly. "I want you to come with me, Ben."

Kylo considered telling her that she would be safer having the defective trooper around, but decided against it. He could use this chance to find out more about his grandfather and to turn Rey to the Dark Side.

He didn't want Finn hanging around as he and Rey went to find the ghost of Dumbledore. He didn't want anyone interrupting his trip with Rey - she had asked him, not Finn or Poe or her other friend who kept prattling on about love during their Care of Magical Creatures classes.

"Fine," Kylo said, hoping he sounded not overly keen at the idea. "You can follow me to Dumbledore."

Rey crossed her arms as they stepped around Finn being comforted by Poe on the floor. "I'm not following you anywhere. Master Yoda told me how to find the bathroom, and how to best summon Dumbledore."

"I don't need the words of an old frog to help me speak with a ghost." Kylo realised he was walking too fast and did his best to slow his pace. It wasn't as if he was in a rush. The sooner he got to the ghost, the sooner Rey would go back to her classes. And then she would be back to winning points for Gryffindor. The longer he kept her occupied, the better.

But then he turned the corner and found himself face to face with Professor Snape. "Ren," the teacher said slowly. "I would have thought you would have been doing your homework. With six papers due tomorrow, you cannot possibly be wasting your time running around with Gryffindor students."

Before Kylo could tell Snape that he was the Supreme Leader and that he did whatever he wanted, Rey stepped forward. "Professor Snape." Rey crossed her arms. "Ben and I are running an errand for Master Yoda."

Snape raised an eyebrow. "And what errand could Yoda have for one of my students?"

"We're just passing on a message. Nothing that would concern you."

Snape stiffened. "Well, you better not be running around the dungeon's like some headless chickens. Someone might think you're up to something." He drew out the last word as he gave Kylo a look over, then he hurried by, his robes swooshing around his ankles.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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