chapter 15

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Gen pov

"Ugh.. Where's mui? Is he alright? He's always here, he's never taken a day off.. and this is his second day off.." I say to myself..

I was getting really worried.. I know there's something wrong with him, he gets pretty badly bullied.. he must have things wrong with him- and he seems pretty Down all the time..

"Hey, do you guys know what happened to mui?" I asked Misaki and his friends, "no. Hopefully he killed himself though!" The tallest one said, making the others laugh. "What did you guys do..?" I asked, "nothing- we didn't do shit. Why do you even wanna know-? Do you like him~?" They ask, I shake my head and slightly blush

I mean- I do- but they don't need to know that-

"I dont like him, I'm allowed to be worried-" "GENYAS GAY FOR THE FREAK!!" I get cut off, I just shake my head. "Quit it asshole. I'm allowed to care for someone who has major issues in the head. And clearly, so do you." I reply.

Wait- I have his snap- lemme see if he'll text me..

'You good mui? You haven't been at school- do you need me to bring you some food?'

Mui.. please pick up- you better not have killed yourself-

I tapped my leg on the ground, hoping to dear God he'd reply.

It had been about ten minutes, and he still hadn't replied.. what was he doing off- oh my god I'm so worried for him- come on mui..


Mui pov

What.. what have I done..

I look at myself in the mirror.. I had tried to cut my hair better the night gyokko cut it.. it was so choppy now.. and so much shorter than if I didn't fuck with it..

I had cuts all up my arms.. there many.. and I had started on my thigh too.. I needed to stop.. but I didn't look or feel like myself now.. I'm gonna see yui tonight.. I wasn't able to the night gyokko cut my hair since I was in such shambles.. or yesterday since I didn't want the nurses to see the  fresh cuts...

I bandaged them this morning.. but I did more just earlier so they've got blood on them...

I need to stop, I told myself to but it ended up happening.. and now its really fucking bad..

I need to stop...

What if yui wakes up and he sees what I've done to myself.. he'd be so upset.. he'd probably blame it on himself.. I don't want that...

What if the nurses see the cuts..? What will they do.. what if they send me to an asylum...

I dont want that.. yui wouldn't want that..


I look down at my phone with my completely blurry vision from crying..


Gens :)
You good mui? You haven't been at school- do you need me to bring you some food?

Ah.. he's too nice..

He's too good for me.. I can't reply.. I don't deserve someone that nice...

I looked at the bracelet on my wrist..

I can't believe he cares about me.. he's literally the first person at this school who hasn't bullied or hurt me.. why.. why is he like that..?

I'm going to go see yui..

I haven't seen him in over a week.. and my hairs cut and I'm dealing with alot...

I just need yui..

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