Season 3 Chapter 2 : Kota

Start from the beginning

Tiger : You're still pretty lively! That means your muscle fibers haven't been ripped apart yet!

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Tiger : You're still pretty lively! That means your muscle fibers haven't been ripped apart yet!

Midoriya : *weakly* Yessir...

Rex : *exercising* Hang in there, Midoriya!

Tiger then slides over to Rex and starts to emit a ferocious aura which causes the EVO to start sweating as he looks up at the pro hero.

Tiger : It's "Plus Ultra", right? Then, do it! Give me "Ultra"!

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Tiger : It's "Plus Ultra", right? Then, do it! Give me "Ultra"!

Rex : Yessir!

Rex then creates the Smack Hands as he attacks Tiger with a punch, but his attack was easily avoided before he was punched and sent crashing into a tree.

Vlad King : U.A.'s busy, so it's hard to spare staff for just the first years of the hero course.

Aizawa : Based on their track record and wide range of Quirks, these four are the most logical choice to train your Quirks in a short amount of time.

Vlad King : Don't fall behind Class A! Let's go, Class B!

Class B : Yes, sir!

[ Time Skip ]

After a few hours passed it was finally evening and that meant training for the day had finally ended. Currently, all the students from Class A and B were standing in front of a bunch of tables that were filled with food, but they were all raw with some cooking utensils next to them.

Pixie Bob : Now, remember what I said yesterday? "Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you"!

Ragdoll : At least make your own food! Curry!

U.A. Students : Yessir...

Ragdoll : *laughing* You all look exhausted! But that doesn't mean you can make any old sloppy cat food!

Iida : It's true that part of rescuing someone is filling the stomachs and spirits of those exhausted during a disaster. That's U.A. for you! No opportunity wasted! Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!

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