Chapter Three - A "Warmful" Welcome

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Akito's POV:

I flopped on my bed and went to sleep.


I woke up and almost screamed.
"You're going to be late for school if you don't hurry up! Like are you sick or something?" Ena yelled.
"Yes, I am. I haven't been feeling well lately.." I lied to her face.
"Oh..okay. Well see you later then, I'm going to hang out with my group."
She closes the door.
I did NOT want to go to school today.
Everything was horrible. Everything hurts. I just can't.

I look at my phone.
"Ready Steady"
Aha! I should go to the sekai!..but it's 7 AM.
Ah..they wont mind, right? I Just have to get back at 3 PM at least.

The Sekai

I see no Vocaloids in sight. Then I realized I'm still in my pajamas. They were really embarrassing. It was covered with images of pancakes and on some parts, there was lace. I usually hides this side of me but oh well.

I stood there, covered with embarrassment. It slowly turned into a neutral expression after a minute.
I walk to the café where I saw KATIO, MEIKO, Luka, Miku, and the Kagamine twins napping in a booth.

"Now why are you here so early, shouldn't you be at school?" Meiko said.
I said nothing, following with a mad expression staring at the ground.
"And what's up with the pajamas?" Miku teased, while drinking something.
"JUST SHUT UP!" I bursted out, breaking from my shell. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!.." I woke the Kagamine twins up, frightened.

They all stared at me. Horrifically. Like there was a ghost behind me.
"...are you okay?" A tiny voice said.
"Calm down, please, you can tell us everything."
I can't. I fucking can't. I'm choking on words.
Instead of answering, I couldn't speak. I just stood there. I didn't realize I wasn't breathing. Then everything was black.

"Answer us please"
"Open your eyes.."
"I hope he's okay.."
I feel something cold on my head. I feel hands on my head. I feel uncomfortable.

I finally woke up. I wake up to people surrounding me, and an ice pack on my head.
Instead of saying "what happened" I fucking screamed.
I screamed in terrible fear. Apparently I was in a chair.
Guess what. I fell. On to the hard ground.
I should've been tough, but no. I just laid there almost to tears.
"Are you okay, let me help you.." MEIKO said in a kind voice, holding out her hand.
I don't take her hand. Instead I pushed it away and burst into tears.
I pushed myself up and stood there while the others looked at me.
"I'm s-sorry..." I stuttered at those words.
I wanted to say the word thousands of times, but that was all I managed to say.

Suddenly I felt two pairs of hands hugging me. My forehead had beads of sweat, like I was with a fever.
I saw Len and Rin hugging me. How kind of them..
Len looked up at me, "We all love you dearly-" Len was cut off by Rin, "You can tell us anything!" Len gave the deadliest stare the girl has ever seen on Len's face. It's telling her to shut up.

These bastards won't stop asking me what's wrong. All I do is roll my eyes at them and acting like a fucking 4 year old.
I refuse question after question until I hear this particular sentence.
"How would Toya say if he saw you like this?"
Oh my god.
Something broke in me. Particularly at the word Toya.
How would Toya think of me after I ran away? I still love him dearly.

"I don't know." I said with a smile and close to tears.
I pinch my arm to try to stop the tears.
I probably looked like a fucking maniac.
I look at the clock in the SEKAI.
3:11 PM
God damn it.
Ena could be wondering where the fuck I'm at.
I paused the song.

Note: Sorry for not updating this earlier! I lost motivation but thankfully an Akitoya angst video saved me. I'll try to do chapters more.

Words: 709

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