Back to the lake house

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Today Watching the way Jules looked after Becky was so god damn sexy got me thinking about the way she'll be with our kids but the only thing is that people will get to see what's mine and mine alone when she take that cover off I know I'm in trouble having a girl like this "oh my gosh...." we hear turning and seeing both Greg and Andre staring at Jules both with crushed ice-cream cones. I picked up my shirt and threw it at them "Hey stop staring at my girlfriend." i says very possessively with eyebrows raised their eyes widen , hearing another whistle turning seeing not only the mums but Higgins staring at Jules made me so angry letting out a low growl I see Higgins flinch seeing her dad not only glaring but me as well I've noticed under my glare people tend to flinch because either 1. they're annoying the fuck out of me and 2.because they're looking at something that's not theirs and i enjoy scaring people. looking down at Jules "Baby that's so hot." She says in a whisper in my ear as my hand trails up and down her spine Jules looks back at me seeing that I'm smirking back at her. "Come on love birds, let's go for a waterslide." Dad says rubbing his hands together like a kid in a candy store he still acts like a kid in a grown man's body.

"Daddy, the line isn't even moving." Donna said, telling dad as we all waited in the heat for the slide. "I want mommy's milk." Bean whined, groaning, Jules lay her head on my shoulder with my hands around her waist "remember that's gonna be us soon." I whispered in her ear it's gonna be a promise "He wants mommy's milk." Lenny says playfully slapping Eric's shoulder " Giving him some of mommy's milk."i says laughing continuing the joke "what about Jules." Higgins says under his breath i feel Jules move closer to me and Eric because i know for a fact that he is making her uncomfortable before Eric gets the chance i slap his head hard "That's disgusting and nope their mine." saying with a growl with my hands over her boobs and feeling Jules laugh against my chest "No damn it! no more mommy's milk, okay. you want milk, you drink regular milk." Eric says getting frustrated with Bean then snatching a random kids milk that was walking by and giving him a dollar Jules and laughing at my her dads antics " You drink just like daddy does." Eric says, showing Bean how to do it by taking a sip of the milk. "okay. I'm just like daddy!" everyone cheers for bean "Yay no more boobie milk! " "more for us! "Kurt and Lenny says "That's disgusting guys, that's my mom." Jules complains.

" I don't know about this one dad, it's kind of steep." Greg says unsure ,I'm a little hesitant myself " Yeah it's a bit steeper than I remember." Dad says of course it is " I don't like it either." Jules and Eric speak at the same time. Marcus came to a stop causing Jules to run into his back ace, steading her from failing seeing the most jealous man on earth . "Good thing the kid chickened out so you don't have to go, right Feder?" Dickie said I feel Jules tense up scanning the group seeing that there was a boy our age with them. hearing Jules groan seeing him "Hey sweet checks I missed you don't you look hot." the boy says trying to stop myself from hitting him "Logan I didn't miss you." Jules says with a grunt, I kiss her head showing him who owns her this must be the Logan boy they were talking about at dinner and in the car . "Who's this guy with your sweet cheeks?" Logan says " Ace Feder. Jules boyfriend emphasis on boyfriend."i said introducing myself " Yeah right as if why would she go for that when she could have all of this." his voice was laced with jealousy. " Why would I want you when I have everything I need right here and there's a reason I said no I thought after all the times I've rejected you wouldn't have learned your lesson." Jules says with venom in her voice that's the right baby . Now understanding the rivalry because the Feders are always one upping them I've got something that Logan kid doesn't and that's Jules.

Hearing Dickie scoff knowing that his kid has just been outshined by the younger Feder " Alright that's one no what's about the younger version of you?" Wiley asks, looking at me " you coming babe." " bye asshats." Jules waves at them as Jules climbs on my back holding on tight , when we let go hitting the water hearing our dad's cheer "guys look." saying to Greg and Ace pointing at dad coming down hitting a backflip " yeah lets go lenny!" "Yeah!" "hell yeah dad!" Greg, Jules and I cheer as well as the crowd "ohhhhh no." I say looking up seeing Wiley's foot caught in the zipline, hitting the bait house everyone winces at the impact "that's gotta hurt, I felt that." Jules says "I think we all did." " i know so" dad and I say at the same time

After getting changed we head back to the cars. Jules and I are going to be the only one's in the car. The kids wanted to go back with the parents. "You know Jules you looked like a Milf taking care of Becky." saying with a smirk "Oh really now, you'd think that I'm gonna be the hot Milf?" Jules asks " "Yeah you would, I hope you know that I'm going to get you pregnant soon within the next year or 2 and I'd be the dilf. It's getting hard just thinking about it." I say having to readjust myself. I hear Jules laugh, chuckling to myself, placing her hand on my crotch so she can feel how hard I am. "oh wow Ace you got that just from thinking about me getting pregnant." she said with amusement. "That's right babe."

Later on everyone was outside. Some of the girls were building a tree fort while the rest of us were playing basketball." your dad could go fifty for fifty with these." Eric told Greg and I as dad kept making bank shots "Really? cause on the Wii the Bankshot never works." Greg's says "well maybe you should Wii turn it and get a Wiifund." Eric joked "Nice shot Greg." "thanks Jules ." Greg smiles like a real smile "Jules did you ever play basketball?" I asked, " No always done gymnastics." "Really can you show us?" Dad asks "everyone off the court." I yelled Jules took a breath before running doing her famous Front handspring-front tuck-round off- back handspring doing a half twist in the air landing it perfectly she showed me some of her tumbling videos that's how I know. Once she landed everyone begins to cheer Jules bowed joking walking over there giving her a hug whispering in her ear "baby that was so hot" i hear her breath hitch moving one of her hands behind her back putting it on my now painfully throbbing dick " yeah baby that's for you and your getting it tonight."

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