The lake house part 2

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Jules  (p.o.v)

Once ace is on top of me he leans down close to my face as if he's going to kiss me "Now we have a room to ourselves this is a position we're going to be in." he says just loud enough for me to hear him, I use all of the strength to roll us over so I'm on top of him 2 can play at this game so I begin leaning down feeling his boner on my core "I'm going to get changed. "I say grabbing my clothes from my suitcase while closing the bathroom door I hear an ace call out " Tease." leaning against the door biting down on my lip wondering where that confidence came from, as I'm getting dressed I hear Ace's dad saying "Jules. Ace went for a walk and got changed." walking out of the bathroom I found myself staring at his body. It was like I was in a trance not realising that he was standing right in front of me but when I felt his hand on my face I snapped out of it "You got some drool there." Looking down at the ground, Once Ace was ready he opened the door for me walking past him and felt a smack on my ass causing me to squeal, turning around sending a playful glare "You know you love it but I  can go twice as hard as that baby." he said.

" he said

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When we were outside we began following them into the woods, I was holding onto Becky's hand to make sure she didn't get hurt. "Hey Ace, Greg, Kiethie when we were kids your dad used to talk us into doing the craziest stuff." McKenzie said I couldn't help but giggle, knowing our dads were wild back then "Yeah no shit that's why our dads are the way they are i swear they have brain damage ." Ace said mumbling, causing me to laugh." Yeah, I Remember one time we got our shower curtains and put them in shopping carts." McKenzie told us " wait how did you steer?" Andre asked, "We didn't." Dad answered quickly "How did you stop?" Kiethie asked "We didn't you would have to crash into something to stop. "Lenny said "My point exactly" Ace mumbled into my ear hiding my laugh behind my hand

" I remember we used to shoot bottle rockets at each other. you always went for the guy's face to try to blind them." Higgins said i gave him the shut the fuck up glare before i deball you look. "You know what, let's make a tree fort." Lenny said enthusiastically while picking up sticks. " Rob lived in one of those for a year." " He took away my roller skates." giving my dad a confused look as he said that but he looked at me with a don't ask look. " Wait a minute, are you kidding me." Lenny said with excitement looking at a tree with a rope hanging over a rock. "Rope on a tree baby, you know what that means." Dad said with excitement " so we get to hang ourselves. "Andre's sister Charlotte said "I swear one more comment like that, I won't hesitate to punch them." I mumble feeling aces chest vibrate against my back sending shivers down my spine.

"Are you kidding me you see a rope and a lake doesn't make you wanna go crazy?" Lenny asked, " I wanna do it." I say voicing my opinion before I go I hear ace "you better be careful I don't want you hurt cause I'm bending you over tonight." he says in a very low and dangerous voice, I gulp and nod my head sending shivers down my spine and toward my core making me wetter than before. "Yeah that's my adrenaline monkey, why couldn't you be more like that Feder.? I heard my dad say. I give myself a run up grabbing the rope and swing high enough to do 3 backflips landing in the water easily. Coming back up to the surface I see the group clapping and cheering and when my eyes land on the ace he's wiggling his finger for me to come to him, blush spreading across my face. getting out of the water trying not to slip on my way up to the ace he grabs me pulling me towards him "Are you hurt?" shaking my head "Good get ready for tonight then because you are going to be sore." he says in my ear sending shivers down my spine to my core. looking down at the ground ,ace letting go a breathily chuckle at him knowing the effect he has on me.

Looking up all of a sudden I see my dad going to try the same thing as me, my eyes widened when he swung over the lake backing out at the last minute everyone yelled let go but when he did slamming into a tree onto the ground. "Ooooh." Everyone cringed at the sound of the impact. "That was awesome!" Kiethie exclaimed "Dad are you ok?" questioning him seeing him moving "oh god, oh god my leg snapped, the bones are sticking out help." Dad yelled putting my hand over Becky's eyes and the younger kids freaking out turning into aces chest so I don't have to see it. "It's a stick. it's a stick I got ya!" he did a dance I realised my breath that I was holding onto in relief shaking my head and laughing at my dad's antics. "Daddy that bird is hurt.'' Becky pointed out in distress the bird trying to fly away. Oh my god I'll get a shoe box!" Lenny said running off the kids following behind him Ace and Marcus helped dad up off the ground "Hey, did you actually land on that bird man.?" "I'm not sure? I did hear a chirp and a crunch like noise but that could have been anything."

Once lenny got the shoe box putting the bird in it we began walking back Ace holding my hand on the way back. My dad told me that we're going to dinner tonight so wear some-you know what I'll choose your outfit you better wear it ok." nodding in response effect he has on me.

Once lenny got the shoe box putting the bird in it we began walking back Ace holding my hand on the way back. "my dad told me that we're going to dinner tonight so wear some-you know what I'll choose your outfit you better wear it ok." nodding in response "No baby remember what i said before verbal response otherwise I'll punish you in more ways in one." he says with a serious voice "Yes sir." "good girl." What we didn't know was a few feet behind us the dads were talking about the interaction. "10 bucks he'll chicken out asking her to be his girlfriend before you leave." Higgins says "Make it 50 he'll ask her out. I know my son wants her." Lenny replies "Eric you in on this bet?" Kurt asks "Nah as long as my Jules is happy that's all that matters." he replies with a smile on his face.

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