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SHOW: wizards of waverly place
CHARACTER: justin russo
DETAILS: s/o who specializes in music magic
FORMAT: point form
REQUESTED BY: @preciouspixie


⇝ listen so justin can't keep a tune to save his life.
⇝ like he can't sing at all!!
⇝ he can dance, but he can't sing that's for sure.
⇝ well, he can't sing well. he knows lyrics and stuff but is always out of key and slightly off beat
⇝ off beat to the point it's annoying

⇝ so!! he won't sing along at all, maybe badly hum.
⇝ but!! is absolutely fascinated with the different sub-types of magic!
⇝ his dad never let justin and his siblings focus on a specific type of magic, so they just know the general wand-waving stuff
⇝ so please!! tell him anything and everything about music magic, he doesn't wanna be stuck just researching via books

⇝ you can play music and he'll do some dancing while he does other stuff
⇝ might try to set up some kinda music night at the sub station
⇝ because "dad, think about the extra money we can get if we have a music night!!"
⇝ but actually it's because he wants you to have fun and show off!!!

⇝ actually very proud of you focusing on music magic - probably one of the more difficult sub-classes of magic!
⇝ would go "yea, i'm really smart but y'know who's better than me with magic??? my s/o."
⇝ cocky bastard
⇝ would also get very defensive over you if someone (alex) were to tease you about focusing on magic
⇝ she'd tease lovingly but justin wouldn't realize and start talking in that dumb high pitched tone that gets higher and higher as he tries to defend you

⇝ what a nerd ammi right?

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