Antagonizing forces unleashed!- Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

"Origami doesn't seem to be like herself"

As I murmured to myself, I decided to know what in the world happened to origami, I may not contain as much as information about her micro-expressions for her privacy, but my intuition is telling me that something is wrong, could it perhaps be connected to my dream? It may be a far stretch but maybe just maybe the dream is real and I'm in a dream, I should really calm myself down

The walk to home was rather lonely, I had no one to talk to, shido was gone to buy some goods so I had no company

"Hmm, I may not be used to the silence"

Ahh, being part in the itsuka family changed me, wait why was I adopted...? Could it be I lost my memory? That should be impossible, I should just get some sleep while I'm back home, playing video games until 1 am may have made me paranoid, I then looked afar, I saw my house nearing with each step I take, and after some hastened walking, I arrived at the door, I gently open the door and... (A/N:Remember this?)

"Kotori?!! What the hell did you do?!"

I saw kotori with a fire extinguisher fired on to the burning oven, how she messed that badly while cooking is beyond my mental capabilities to solve, she then quickly put out the fire, I saw her frightened face, well she's gonna have a PTSD while looking at the oven

"Kotori, what did you do?"

As I sternly looked at her, she looked down while making her feet go up and down while she was playing with her hair.

"Onii-san, It wasn't my fault, I decided to make some cookies and the fire suddenly happened"

Hmm, maybe it is a short circuit, or kotori really just left her cookies which might be true

"Welp, I'll just fix that later, I'm going to sleep kotori, just call me when it's dinnertime, I'm tired"

I then put my hand on my mouth and yawned, this day is getting into me, not like I don't have a problem

"Well then oniisan, have fun sleeping!"

"I don't sleep for fun... But thank you"

"Hmm, oniisan is blushing? Ah, your a tsundere~ tsundere~ tsun tsun dere~"

I just sighed tiredly and went as fast as my legs can go to my bed, I then flopped on it and quickly closed my eyes... Time for my dream land to manifest

(Dream world)

As I woke up, I was in a chair with another one in front of me, wait wait, is this one of those Isekai things? Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself and...

"Hello there yuki"

"No way! A chibigami?!! Wait why is a chibi origami entering my dreams??"

She then looked at me and smiled cutely


She then went to serious mode which saddened me a bit, but I know this is something that my brain wants to say, maybe in the form of chibigami

"There is something weird in this world, right Yuki?"

"Yes, I just feel it's very off even though it's a normal day, maybe I'm just paranoid"

"No you are not, this world is a cage developed by Mai to trap you"

Wait who is mai? Come on brain think...

"Wait... She's the girl in my dreams"

Well, she isn't the girl I want but it's in a literal sense so I don't have to worry...maybe

"Yes that is correct, but it's not a dream, that was reality, this is just a fictional world made inside your brain"

"And why would I believe you?"

"Destroy the tree behind the school, and you will see the truth"

Well it may get me arrested, because trespassing and destroying public property but... It won't hurt to try right

"Fine, I will once I wake up, see you later"

"See you later Yuki"

As I woke up after that dream, I realized it was midnight and ran to the tree, wait I don't know how to destroy it

"Don't worry, once you touch the tree, it will break"

That was origami's voice! Or maybe just my imagination, I then made it to the tree and I touched it, it then feel to the ground with a hard thud as I feel my body slowly disintegrating

"Holy crap, I think I'm dieing!"

I then made it to the 'real' world, I don't know what's real anymore, let me think, ah I remember it know, I then hastily stood up from my sleeping position and saw Mai standing in front of me

"Hmm, usually people don't have enough willpower to wake up from my <Paradise> but it seems you did it just fine"

As she laughed again, I felt my blood boiling and rushed to kick her, only to find out she vanished to this air, I also noticed that kurumi was gone

"What the hell... What is she planning"

Nightmare is scary enough, but if she would team up with Mai, then it will cause major havoc

"I think we're really screwed"

I then sighed as I begin to carry shido, tohka and kotori back to sweet fraxinus.

(3rd POV)

"Master, I have brought you a guest, shall I let her enter?"

"Well then, let her in"

While this may sound like some rich families would say, they were only talking at the school rooftop, after the departure of the girl, another girl entered

"Well if it isn't <nightmare>, hello there, I'm so glad to meet you"

Kurumi then examined the person and just crazily laughs

"Kihihihi, well then I'll get to the chase, who are you?"

"Isn't it bad manners to ask a person's name while not introducing yourself?"

"Ara Ara, well then, I am tokisaki kurumi, a spirit with the power of time"

She then did a bit of a curtsey to the boy, while the boy just continues on looking at the stars

"Yuki theuseus, codename <technician>"

As the time girl heard the information, sh had her eyes widened but soon returned her magnificent composure

"How did you even get here...?"

"My power allows universal travel, it can also cross from one multiverse to another, oops, I'm giving to much information"

The time girl took her time to analyze everything he said, she then asked a question

"Did you see me kill the <Spirit of origin> In a universe, if so, tell me how I did it"

The boy crept an evil smile, it looks like his plan is going smoothly as planned, he then raised his hand to prepare for a handshake

"Help me defeat my other self, and you will learn how to defeat her, after all, there is no free lunch in this world"

The girl hesitated but grabbed his hand to seal the deal, this was a deal to the devil, the boy's smile grew much wider, almost to a grin

"Thank you for cooperating, kurumi"

The time girl didn't knew... She was in the clutches of a demon.
I'm back, I have finished kurumi's arc (yeay)
But there's still kotori's arc but after that, we will know how Yuki got his hands on Mai, and many backstories, in some special chapters named Date a past, it will reveal a lot, so hope I'll work on it soon, anyways

Inventor out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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