Yuki's weapons from Weapon Creation

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These are the main weapons Yuki uses and summon from weapon creation

Rule of weapon creation: can use more than two weapons, maximum of five (unless determined by circumstances)


Consume: An armor similar to a black hole, consumes any attack from any enemy, it "eats" time and space
Other abilities
Drawback: The more powerful the attack, the more reiyorku he uses

Absorb: Makes the user more agile and faster and can absorb more Maryoku to change it to reiyorku
Drawback: Defense is lowered to 60%

Shadow Cloak: A cloak capable of concealing him and cancelling his every noise, only people with keen senses can hear him
Drawback: Can only use one more weapon


Cronus: A railgun that "Eats" Space, time and attacks of an enemy, when it "Eats" the attack of an enemy, it can use it's attack against it, depending on distance, then attack maybe similar to tanking an rpg to a nuclear bomb, the longer the distance, the more power.
Drawback: Is expensive in reiyorku, he can only fire a 250 shots at most, 150 at his least, assuming he didn't use up his reiyorku at other weapons

Perseus Pride: A sword and a shield, the sword can fire a laser on it's tip and cut through space to make a wormhole, the shield can deflect any attack fired at him, albeit if it's not that powerful, this weapon is the least to eat up his reiyorku
Drawback: The most weak of his weapons, also is heavy and makes his speed and agility lessen

Shadow Daggers: Daggers that consumes shadows and empower the attack, it can also make render a person immobile when it hits the person's shadow, it can also increase a person's speed and agility
Drawback: The daggers are only 30 each, meaning he has to grab every dagger as to not run out of it, the buff in speed and agility makes up for the defense he loses, also not good for long range battle or in places where there are little to no shadows

Turrets of Olympus: 4 turrets that can control each of the following, Lightning, Energy, Fire and Ice, The Yellow turret or lightning can shoot lightning and depending on the amount of reiyorku he has, it can make a person or spirit unconscious, the brown turret or energy can empower a person or himself, the buff depends on how many reiyorku he inputs in it, The red or fire turret can make him shoot a red laser that can make a wall of fire or engulf the person targeted by it, to flames, depending on reiyorku input, it can set the person in flames or the wall becomes a little harder to pass through, the blue or Ice turret can encase a person in ice or make the temperature of a person go low, to -150 degree Celsius, it's his second powerful weapon
Drawback: Using it for too long can tire him out, he is only known to handle this at a maximum of 6 hours, at the very least, 3 hours, if he doesn't use any other weapon

Pysche: A laser gun that can control a person's specific feeling or forcibly control the person's movement or make them have the urge to fall asleep.
Drawback: Multiple control of people can strain his mind, he cannot control people with strong will (ex. Shido) powerful CR units (ex. Adeptus 2) and spirits (ex. Miku)

Wrath of deus: A cane that when pointed to someone, can cause them to die immediately, cause is the total shutdown of the brain, Only weakens spirits, powerful CR units, and people who can withstand extreme pain and have a strong will.
Drawback: Experience pain similar to a thousand knives hitting him and also needs a lot of reiyorku, all his defense is down and can easily be killed.

Other known weapons:
Hermes boots: Makes the user much more faster, at 20%, it can be at the same as the speed of sound, at a 100%, it is faster than the speed of light
Drawback: Using it for too long can tire him, he can only use a 100% for 1 hour at most and 30 minutes at least, 20% at 5 hours at most and 2 hours and 30 minutes at least.

Mask of deception: A mask that makes a person unaware of his real appearance by making them see his body as a blur, can slightly increase his stats
Drawback: No drawback
Now he's even more op without drawbacks, which inverse can do, welp, this ride is about to go crazy, so get ready.

Inventor out.

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