Ice meets Flame of Compassion- Chapter 4

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Hey guyz, this will be the start of yoshino's arc, still long way to go, anyways enjoy!
(Yuki POV)

Currently, I was running to school, since I didn't bring an umbrella, damn luck, the reporter said that there is a 10% chance of rain, I know there's still a possibility but it shouldn't be this strong, then a gust of wind flew by, fluttering my hair, it was now extremely cold since I've been drenched in the rain, so I ran as fast I could, without using spirit powers of course, as I was running from the rain, I saw origami walking to school with an umbrella, I sighed in relief and had a small smile, now I have shelter.

"Hello there origami"

"Hello Yuki, it seems your drenched, I'll let you take shelter in my umbrella"

"Thanks origami"

Then we were walking to school, then as we arrived, it was still early, people chatting, telling jokes, and there's...

"T-tohka, why are you doing that"

I gave a deadpan face to Shido, while origami was angry, oh right, spirit situation


I covered origami's mouth, what the hell origami, you trying to get disbanded from the AST, not that I don't want that, but the information should still stay a secret

"Do you have a loose screw on your head origami, people will find out"

I whispered to origami, then the trio came

"Oh isn't that Queen genius with the king of smarts, good morning shido"

"Must be some kind of play, and What the hell!!!"

"That is interesting"

As then I dismissed the trio, wait it was Mai who said good morning

"Oh good morning Mai"

Shido gave a smile, which flustered Mai, which the Dense idiot didn't get

"Ooohhh~ Mai must be captivated by this idiot"

"That would be a misfortune"

Hold on, the third one can really talk, nevermind, shido had a confused look on his face, I mentally facepalmed myself, must be the perk of a boring and generic Haremist found in anime

"N-n-no I'm not!!!"

"Oh, but your clearly blushing"

"That's really interesting!"

I thought the third one needed therapy, thank God, then origami licked on my finger, oh I didn't notice, I saw origami having a little pout, cute

"Why, I thought you like that kind of play, Cutegami"

"W-well, it was fine, but I was starting to lose some air"

"Oh, did I block your nose, sorry then"

"Don't be, you just saved me"

Then I sighed, I almost killed my girlfriend, well she's a little bit hard to kill, oh now she really reminds me of someone from another anime I've watched

"Kind to think of it, Origami, you look like that one anime character, siesta"

"Yeah I see the resemblance"

"That's so lame"

Oh well it was short lived, but now I knew what character was alike her, well but I like origami more better

"I liked siesta, she was very kind unlike a certain someone"

Then Mai glared at origami, origami in turn... Nothing

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