Chapter 11

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2 months later

It's been a couple of months since the hearing and things have really settled down. I'm working again at the cafe and I'm really enjoying it. Sebastian is off filming right now for the new marvel movie and I'm missing him so much. We are still taking our relationship slowly, probably more slowly then he would like but he says he understands and he is happy to wait for me to
Be comfortable.

I've been going to therapy, twice a week and it's really helping me. My therapist does group
Meetings once a week too which have been good, meeting other woman who have been through that same as me and even worse then me has helped me deal with my trauma. Physically im feeling better, I've even looked into self defence classes, I don't want to be weak anymore. I want to learn how to defend myself.

I worked out with my boss to take some time off so I can go and see Seb, I really am missing him
And I want to spend some time with him. So im currently booking flights on his laptop. As Im just about to finalise my booking I see an email pop
Up, I try not to look but I see a name I never thought I'd see again. Margaret. I hover over the email and it reads 'was so amazing to see you again and hang out! Let's me up again soon'
I couldn't believe it, Sebastian had seen her and not told me and he had hung out with her. After what she did.

My phone starts to ring and I know it's Seb, he rings me at the same time everyday. I answer
"Everything okay?"
I nod and he smiles "good. I miss you"
"Me too"
"What's wrong Meg?"
"Nothing, was just on your laptop. Sorting something out"
"Oh right, I'm not interrupting am I?"
"No. Yes. Sorry I gotta go Seb, I'll talk to
You later okay?"
"Okay" before he says anything else I hang up. Feeling the tears already flowing. Would he cheat on me? Would he really go see her?


I don't know what's going on but there is definitely something wrong. Meg wasn't her self on that phone call and the fact she just hung up
On me.
"Everything okay Seb?"
I look up and see Chris "I don't know. Just called Meg and she seemed upset but I don't know why"
"What did you do?"
"How Could I have done anything. I've not been there"
"Don't know man. But we are needed back on set"

My phone pings and I notice an email, as I open it and read the contents.
"What the fuck!"
"What's up?"
I show chris the email and he frowns "you didn't even meet up with her"
"Exactly. What is her......shit!!"
"Meg would have seen this. She was on my laptop doing something. Fuck! She probably thinks I've met up with her! Fuck sake"
"Call her Seb. I'll tell them you'll be back on set soon"

I quickly dial her number but she doesn't answer. The voicemail kicks in and I take a deep breath before completely laying my heart out for Megan to listen too. I love her so very much and I wouldn't want to do anything to upset or hurt her. I've spent this long with her I don't want to go another day. She is my everything and I can't loose her. Not when we are only just getting started.

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