Chapter 10

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After what felt like weeks the court case was finally coming to an end, I had rehashed my story so many times, retelling the same nightmares over and over again. Making sleep for me impossible, having Seb by my side helped some but reliving the memories just made me never want to close my eyes again. All I could see was his face over me. Staring down at me.

The jury have been out for a while, Seb and I sat outside. I needed the fresh air, I needed to breath. Seb sitting next to me, holding my hand not saying a word. Knowing that right now I just needed the peace. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn and see my lawyer, she gives me a gentle smile and nods for me to follow. This was it, the moment I had been dreading.

We walked in, sat down in our places and waited. The head spokes Person stood, holding a piece of paper in her hands. They listed the crimes he had committed, included assault and rape.
"We the jury find the defendant...................." it felt like the world had stopped. Seb held me close waiting with bated breath just as I was.
I felt my legs give out from under me, Seb holding me tighter as I cried out.....not in sadness or sorrow but in happiness. To know he would be sent away for what he did to me.

I wrap my arms around Sebastian's neck, holding him as close as I could.
"You did it baby. You did it" he whispered to me.
I pulled back from him, looking into his beautiful blue eyes.
"I did it"
He nodded and softly kissed my lips. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. He was right, I survived and I won. He couldn't hurt anyone else ever again. I look over to him as the judge orders them to take him away and I can see the shock on his face. He truly believed he would get away with this.

I see him look over to his father, who is stood shaking his head. His mother distraught next to him, they never believed he was capable of this until today. Seeing the evidence, I think it made them realise what a scum bag there son truly was.
"Let's go home"
I nod and seb takes my hand and we walk outside, the paparazzi and reports going crazy as always. Asking 100s of questions and taking so many pictures.

As we pull up to the house, I feel numb. I know I won and I know he can't hurt me anymore but I still feel numb. He is paying for what he did, but I still have to live with the memories and the scars. I still have to live the nightmares.
"Meg are you okay?"
I turn and see Seb standing by the door, looking over at me with so much worry on his face.
"I don't know"
He walks towards me and gently places his hands on my face.
"Your safe now. You know that right?"

I nod "I know. I guess it's just going to take some time to get used too"
"Of course"
I take his hand and we walk to the living room. As we sit, I turn to face him.
He furrows his eyebrows at me "what is it?"
I take a deep breath "I love you"
"I love you too"
I can't help but smile "but I don't know how ready I am to fall into us"
"What do you mean?"
"Now this is over, I think I need sometime. Maybe talk to a therapist and get some help"

"Okay. I'll support what ever you need to do"
I smile "I know. I and you......I think we need to take it slow. Really slow until I'm ready"
He cups my cheeks again "meg we will take this as slow as you want okay. All that matters to me right now is you healing. I'm here. Always. I will wait forever for you"
"I know you will. But I understand if...."
"Nope. No. It's taken me this long to call you mine, I'm not going to give that up now. You take as long as you need. I'll be here"
I lean forward and capture his lips with mine. In a soft sensual kiss.
"Thank you" I whisper as I pull away.
"Your welcome"

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