I nodded at her and wore my seatbelt.

I looked around her car, so neat and clean. The length of her dashboard was half of the windshield. Everything was just a press of a button.

It was my first time to ride in a luxury car and I know I look like a kid just looking around her car.

That proves me right when Alex laughed.

"You're so cute." She said while laughing.

I turned my face to the window as I felt my cheeks heat up, my heart suddenly danced along with her laugh and before I know it, my lips are forming a smile.

I hid it with her, of course.

What is she doing to me, why do I feel all these things whenever I'm with her?

It was all new to me so I don't know how to handle them.

"How old are you, Cara?" 

"I'm 22." I turned my face to her.


It's like you don't know. My mind shouted.

I didn't stalk her, but I googled her last night.

I know her age, her birthday, where she studied, how many siblings she has, her rumored boyfriends and I know that she has a lot of celebrity friends. She like going to parties as she was always photographed with her celebrity friends outside of clubs.

Was it considered stalking?

"I'm 27, I graduated early." 

"Why did you interned in my company? Did you targeted it or you sent your resumes to a lot of companies and we were just lucky that we chose you?" She continued.

We were lucky that we chose you. That echoed in my mind.

It's only been 2 days and she's considering my joining as lucky.

I took a moment before answering her as I needed to calm myself, good thing she was driving.

"I actually sent my resume to 2 companies only, Williams & Brown and... Moore Capital."

That earned her to look at me. Moore is the main competitor of W&B.

"Bold, I like that." She smirked.

She parked her car in front of the Italian restaurant nearby the office.

"You would love this place." She said before climbing down the car.

The place is huge and I could see from outside how many people are dining in.

I felt conscious when we entered inside as I can see how elite the people are, I suddenly felt small.

Alex saw the hesitant in my face.

She leaned near my ear and whispered.

"They are fake people from the inside, plasticity at its finest. Believe me, you are the most genuine person here." She's trying to assure me and reached for my hand.

Somehow, I believe it.

I smiled at her and accepted her hand. I let her guide me to where we'll be seated.

"Good evening, Ms. Williams, your table is ready." The maître d' greeted.

Alex nodded at him and walk towards the stairs. We sat in the open corner area of the restaurant where you have a great view. 

Once I seated, I looked around. 

All of the people dining in are in suits and formal wear, you can tell by their looks that they are wealthy people.

I looked down myself and there again I felt conscious.

"Hey, I'm here with you."

I felt a gentle touch on top of my hand and Alex's eyes assuring me that this evening would be great.

The waiter brought us a red wine and pour each our glasses and handed us the menu.

I let her order for me as I felt shy to even look at it. 

As soon as she finished ordering, she looked at me.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Cara?" Alex asked me like we were friends, it was so casual.

"No, I don't have."

"Really? With that face, you're telling me you don't have a boyfriend?" Disbelief was written across her face.

I can't blame her really. When somebody asks me that question and I tell them no, they don't believe me as well.

In this generation, at 22, who would believe that I've never been touched, let alone kissed.

"Well, I prioritized my studies first, I'm planning to take my masters in a year, maybe. I just need to save the money for it." I sipped my wine and wait for her reaction.

"That's.. great. I mean really, it's great." She took a sip of her wine as well.

"You look disappointed." I can't help but tell her what I feel.

There was a long pause before she speaks again.

"Well, I juts feel like... life is too short to plan and prioritize all these things, you know. You're young, live your life, stay up late, go to parties, have boyfriends or girlfriends, have a lot of sex, spend all your money, you know what I mean? Life... is too damn short to worry about tomorrow, live in the now, live your life like it was your last, because you will wake up one day and realize that... you reached your end but you did not fully live."

I was just looking at her while she delivers her long speech. Her brows are furrowed and her eyes... they are sad. She sipped her wine and look back at me.

"So, what I'm trying to say is... live and stop planning."

She ended it with her glass in the air waiting for me to do the same.

I lift up mine and met hers.


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