"Don' like 'im anymooore" Yeji slurs, wasted.

"Fuck, she's gone. She came here with an Uber, so what do we do now, Joon?" Taehyung asks.

"I-I don't know. I have to take her home, she can't stay here. But then the two of you must stay here."

"No problem, just get her home safe please. You know where she lives right? She told me her parents are on a business trip, her older brother is at home, so I guess it'll be okay?" Yoonji asks.

"Yeah that's okay. And yeah, I remember where she lives. Help me to my car?"

"Sure", Taehyung grabs the other side of her, and while they walk, Yoonji follows behind them and makes eye contact with a guilty looking Jimin staring back at her. She averts her eyes and focuses on Yeji.

When Namjoon drove off, the twins headed back into the house and grabbed drinks. "Not too much, Tae." Yoonji says, taking a sip of a pink liquid.

"Wasn't planning to." he replies, scrunching his face up at the taste. "So, you want to dance?"

"Uh, no thanks. I'll just sit and watch you and wait on Namjoon, so you go ahead."

Pouting, Taehyung nods and leaves after saying, "Okay but if anyone tries anything, shout for me, yeah?

"Sure Tae, go enjoy yourself." She says while taking a seat on a couch, sipping on her drink. She takes a chance to check her messages because her phone kept vibrating.

(6) Messages from 2 contacts

She clicks open the first one she sees, her dad's.

Cool Dad😎

-Cool Dad 😎
- enjoy your Night pumpkin,
don't drink too much, or both of you
are sleeping outside tonight.
Seen: Sat 19:58

lmao no worries, I'll take care-
of myself. see you later, love u!

After she sends her message, she goes into the second person who sent her a message.


-Hey, I'm so so sorry Yoonji
-I didn't mean to fuck up
-I was caught up in a lot
today, fuck!
-Please let me explain
to you Monday.
-I really didn't mean it
Seen: Sat 19:59

Not bothering to reply, Yoonji rolls her eyes and exits his chat, feeling someone sit next to her. Not looking up, she decides to scroll through Instagram to by her time.

The song 'Get into it (Yuh)' starts playing and she smiles because she knows this is Taehyung's favorite song to dance to. She lifts her head up to spot him, and of course he is dancing like an idiot with Hoseok. Yoonji chuckles when she sees Hoseok look her way and winks.

Just then, all the lights go out and gets replaced with glow in the darks, colorful lamps and even Christmas lights. She gets startled by the sudden change and looks around but other people just carry on being normal like that never happened.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Yoonji hears from someone on the seat next to her. She looks to the direction of the voice and her breath hitches when she comes in contact with Jungkook.

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