Maybe she was judging too soon. With a lockdown going on and the rest that happened last night she was more cautious what happened around her.

“I'm sure you are, I was just trying to help out. Two pretty women shouldn't have to do everything on their own”, he said with a wink, his body stiff as can be.

Tara was now by her sister's side and eyed the man just as suspiciously. She knew guys like him. Guys who seemed to be so polite and respectful but his eyes and body language told her something different. Her psycho stalker ex wasn't any different but just as manipulative, acting like he was such a polite man. 

“Yeah thanks. But I'm sure our husband's will be out here any minute helping us with the rest”, Tara lied, a forced smile on her lips. “Have a nice day.”

The man's smile faded, his look turned cold and serious after he had put the grocery bags down. He simply ignored Tara's words and took a step forward, getting closer to the two women.

Tara protectively wrapped her arm around Stella's waist and pulled her back gently. This man wasn't a stranger, she realized that quickly but they had no idea who he was.

“I guess your husband pulled through”, Weston turned his head to look at Stella, watching Tara only from the corner of his eye. “You can tell him that next time he won't be this lucky. And if they don't stop selling guns to the non white's, they'll feel the consequences. Maybe not only them but also their pretty housewives.”

Stella swallowed dryly once she realized who stood in front of them. It wasn't hard to figure out who the guy was. Her feelings didn't betray her the moment she looked into his eyes. He was a scumbag and she felt nothing but hate for this racist asshole.

With power, she slapped him across the face. It came out of nowhere and no one expected anything like this. It was like Stella lost control over her body for a second but she didn't regret what she did. That man almost killed her husband, he deserved more than a slap in the face.

“Juice”, Tara called out before the man was even fully through the door of the grocery shop and waved him over as Weston reached out and grabbed Stella's arm. With quick steps the Puerto Rican walked over and came to a stop right in front of Weston and pushed the slightly bigger man away from his best friend.

“You better leave now”, the otherwise so happy and cheerful Juice growled dangerously low, his brown eyes dark and his hands clenched into fists. “Before I call the guy you shot and let him kill you for laying a hand on his wife. I'm sure he can't wait to take you out.”

Meanwhile they had the crowd's attention, that was the only reason Weston backed off and lifted his hands in defense.

Weston grinned smugly, standing there like a soldier with his broad shoulders. “If you still think you can beat us you're even dumber than I thought. Be smart and do what we tell you⸻”, he paused, his eyes wandering off to the two ladies in the back again. “⸻or there will be consequences, like we already said before.”

Juice let out a bitter laugh, tilting his head to the side with a mocking look on his face. “You better look over your own shoulder, we won't listen to scumbag's like you.”

“What's going on here?!”, Gemma asked bluntly and put her hands on her hips after giving the prospect her bags. Her eyes meeting Weston's.  “Who the hell are you?”

“You'll find out soon, ma'am. Just like your former daughter in law and the assassin's wife”, Weston replied surprisingly calm. “It was nice to meet the three of you.”

His eyes met Stella's one more time, a smirk forming on his lips as he saw the hate and disgust towards him in them. He was sure she wanted to jump his throat but was too afraid to stand up to him again. Well, he wouldn't advise anyone to mess with him either.

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 | sons of anarchy. Where stories live. Discover now