I'm beaming up at him. "I was so scared they'd decline me because of everything that happened. But they reassured me about my safety and that they are excited for me to join the team. The owner is lovely."

"You'll fit right in then, sweetheart." He pecks my nose. "Can I get this shampoo out of my hair and then we can celebrate?"

I nod. "Of course. Sorry."

He leaves me alone for a couple of minutes before reappearing with fresh clothes and dripping wet hair. The smile on my lips hasn't moved for a second. "Come here," he says before wrapping me up in his arms again. "God, I'm so incredibly proud of you. Every day you surprise me with everything you manage to combat. You are a superwoman."

I chuckle lightly into his chest. "Not sure about the superwoman part."

Grayson pulls back and brings my lips to his again, he kisses me over and over until my head is dizzy and I forget how to breathe. "Let's order something in," he mumbles. "To celebrate with some wine and a good movie. Then later I'll definitely treat you to a thing or two."

"Oh yeah," I pull back and grip his warm hands. "Like what?"

"That's a surprise, sweetheart."

My forehead thumps against his hard, muscly chest. He cups the back of my head and I will never get over the feeling of being content and safe in Grayson's arms.

"Can't wait."


"Do I look okay?" I ask as I glance at myself in the mirror for the hundredth time.

Today is the day. Today is the day I start my new job. The day I start a new job for the first time ever. Now that's a scary thought. What if I'm shit? What if they hate me?

Grayson presses his hands to my shoulders. "Sweetheart, you look great. Stop stressing. I can literally see the cogs in your head turning. Just take a breath and remember that it's your first day, you're going to be learning lots of new things. You're going to do just fine."

I stare back at him in the reflection. "You think?"

"I know so," he kisses the back of my head. "Just take a breath."

My lungs inhale the biggest breath I can take and then allow it to consume my body. "Are you going to walk me there still?"

"Of course," he nods. "Going to be with you every step of the way. Apart from the working part. I'm only a call away."

I push back into his chest and he wraps his arms around my front, both of us staring at our reflection. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," he kisses me on the top of the head. "Probably too much."

My mouth forms a smile. "Is there such thing as too much?"

Grayson grins. "No there isn't," he says before checking his watch. "Come on, let's walk down. I don't want you to be late for your first day."

I nod and he drops his arms from my chest. Then he hands me my bag and we head out of the front door. Grayson takes my hand, squeezing every so often. I'm mostly silent because of this wave of nausea in my stomach.

When we reach the bakery, Grayson turns to me and gives me one last good luck kiss. "You're going to smash it, sweetheart. I can't wait to hear all about your day."

"Thank you," I whisper with a confident nod. "I'll see you later."


Working at the bakery has been fun so far. It's been a week and a half since I started and I've picked up so many new skills, it's not necessarily hard but I don't want to get anything wrong when they're trusting me with money.

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