Chapter 6 : Learning more about each other.

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* School bell rings *

I remember that time, I hastily exit school with a heavy heart. I was holding back my tears and trying to hold a fake smile to hide my gloomy face and teary eyes.

I was speed walking home with a blank expression on my face. I wanna let some tears out, its too much, what did I do wrong? Why I am so weak? Why can't I think logically? Why does my heart fail to learn a damn thing and keeps overpowering my brain?

I feel sadness and fear that day, but now when I think of it, I feel anger and regret for not doing whats right and reasonable. I grind my teeth and clenched my pist, I angrily put down the pen, making a slamming sound.

"Here you go..."

I hand Kazuo the paper with a smile on my face, I know his startled him, he knows what happened that day, he knows me well, I want to hide what im feeling or thinking. They have been always there to cheer me up, it doesn't work. I still feel ashamed and agonized by it. But I tend to try look like im okay and have move on, so they will know im doing okay now and their efforts weren't in vain.

"Sweet! I will make good and wise of this information, thanks man."

We fist bomb and I replied "No problem~"

We spend the rest of the day in the restaurant chatting, My father heads upstairs and later learned that there have been a car accident in one of the main roads heading to us, so people didn't get to reach our place.

He decided to close early for today since its already getting dark and no customers are coming. He told everyone to stay and have dinner there, they agreed. My father and I started cooking a huge portion of meals for us all. The rest helped in the kitchen and fix the tables.

We prepared some Yakiniku, Tonkatsu, Sukiyaki and Curry. My father doesn't hesitate to put so much effort on cooking alot of dishes, either for us or our friends.

Chinatsu : "Uwaahh~ thats alot of tasty foods."

Kazuo : "Aaaa~ The smell alone is making me so hungry~"

Haruna : "Akagi senpai, I didn't know you can cook Japanese cuisines."

Akagi : "I learn to cook Japanese cuisine way before I started cooking western cuisines."

Masao : "Okay, everyone dig in."

We ate and had some fun talk that day, they're all so energetic to eat my cooking, just looking at their faces as they enjoy my cooking, makes me happy and forget what I remembered earlier.

I love these moments, I wish it could last forever.

I got home and I got hungry again, so I decided to cook some fries and make myself a burger. I sat in the living room couch and eat while I watch western movies. When I was done eating, I just put my plate on the sink and go back to the living room to watch the movie.

I feel like im really getting lazier each day, im waiting for my body to be in mode to clean so I dont get bored and stop halfway through. I grab my phone and check on Airi, this time I took the initiative and greet her, im still curious and I wanna continue out conversation last time.

I ask what is she doing and if she's free to talk to, she replied...

"Im still playing rank right now, I can stop of you want."

"No, just continue I dont wanna disturb you, just chat me when your done."

I told her.

"Okay, okay, I will see you tonight~ tataa~"

I put down my phone and continue to watch, I waited for a couple of minutes and she message me to talk.

"Hey how are you doing? did you have fun?"

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