...this thing...

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So uh...

My friend @shadowlikesminecraft gave me the idea of taking a story that we were forced to write in class and changing the names to empires characters...

Enjoy this absolute horror...

(I will say, this isn't the story they told me to do it with, but oh well)

Scott was a small young boy with a huge imagination and sense of adventure. Like any little boy he loved to run around, jump in puddles and play in the snow but there was one thing he loved more than anything in the entire world. His pet dog, Jimmy, was his loyal and loving companion, and they did everything together. They went for walks, ran around and played, and they loved to spend time together.

The two were sitting at a bench in the nearby park, Jimmy slurping water from a puddle, evidently left over from the heavy rain the night before. A basketball came flying out of nowhere, landing in the puddle and splashing water all over Jimmy.

"Hey!" Scott yelled. "That's my dog!"

A group of older kids walked over, looking about twelve or thirteen years old. The tallest and most deadly looking sauntered over to Scott. This beast of a child was called Joel.

"Well that little excuse for a dog can move. This is our puddle. Actually..."  Joel gestured to the expanse of greenery behind him. "This is our park."

Jimmy whined, clearly sensing how horrible these boys were. One of the big kids, who Scott knew was named Lizzie, laughed at the dog and aimed a kick at him. "What a strange little animal."

Scott was consumed with rage. A current of emotions washed over him. What monster would try to kick a harmless puppy? The hatred for these boys took over his entire body. His hands shook, his heart raced. Demons rose up from the dark part inside of him that he didn't know existed. He wanted to throw these boys to the ground.

Jimmy was his only friend left.

But one look at the sheer size of these teenagers compared to Scott was enough to turn his anger to fear.

"O...okay...I can go," he said, standing up and pulling Jimmy's lead. "Come on, boy."

But Jimmy wouldn't budge. He was staring at the older kids, with absolute disgust written all over his puppy-dog face.

"Jimmy, leave them." Scott said. He was losing patience.

Jimmy growled, and suddenly started barking.

They were big, booming barks that stopped everyone in their tracks, even the older kids, who had been slowly advancing towards Scott.

Suddenly, Jimmy strained at his collar, broke free of his lead, and bolted towards the boys, who ran for their lives. Jimmy chased them all the way out of the park and down the street, before circling back and running towards Scott. He opened his arms and pulled Jimmy into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Jimmy." The small boy looked across the street and laughed when he saw the gang of kids cowering behind a very small plant pot. "They won't mess with us ever again."

And so the two began their walk home, Jimmy wagging his tail with content. He knew he had done well today. Scott was silent, occasionally stopping to fuss over his puppy. 

Shadow, you evil, evil being...

Yes, I am aware that I just turned Jimmy into a furry. What have I done...


MCYT Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें