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EVERYONE KNEW THAT the Diaz's were the most respected in Mystic Falls, and you'd be a fool to try and cross them, Ever.

So it's gonna be forever

Or it's gonna go down in flames 

NATALIE DIAZ, Nat has always never been afraid to speak her mind, she liked to make herself feel powerful and to stick out. Nat hated Jerks, especially ones like Tyler Lockwood, so whenever she got a chance she would humiliate him and his jerk of a friends. Natalie adored being outside and hang out with her newly found friend Madelyn, she hated when others would try and make her and friends look like fools.

ROSELYN DIAZ, Rose always appreciated the small things other would do for her, even if that was telling her they liked her hair. Rose had a rough childhood growing up considering that people, especially her coven saw her as an outcast. Rose hated when people made her look weak, so she tried pushing people away but that'd only make them pull her closer.

MADELYN SALVATORE, Madelyn had a rough childhood due to the color of her skin, especially in 1864 when Katherine Pierce came into town. Once she became a Hybrid everything changed, she felt free of everything and everyone, she wanted no one and nothing to have control over her ever again, so she fled Mystic falls and never wanted to come back unless she was trying a fresh start

(  Natalie Diaz )

Portrayed by Maia Reficco

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄, Kol Mikaelson ( ON HOLD )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum