Mia's Dyslexia

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Mia has been diagnosed with dyslexia. Dyslexia is the disability to read or write. When her doctor told Mia and her mom, she was horrified . Her mom said trying her best to comfort Mia, that it's no big deal. What she doesn't know is that Mia's dream is to become a famous writer. Like her superstar J.K Rowling, people at school however, don't agree.

No one ever said it to Mia's face but secretly she can just see them whispering whenever she's in the library drawing pictures (because she's unable to write). This makes Mia wish that she's blind or deaf so as to not listen to their horrid comments.

During English class Mia could clearly see Mr. Pierceson piercing her eyes as always, then he walked over and smirked, not even trying to hide his hatred. Mia drew breath and sighed and wondered if she would ever get a happily ever after like in Harry Potter. Listening to the podcasts of Harry Potter is the main reason that Mia's still sane and for the most part healthy.

It's like escaping into a world of fantasy. Mia loves recording stories and recording is practically her way of having a diary. The following day when I gathered up all my courage to face my classmates and went to Drama class the teacher announced a group project. Inside Mia could almost feel my brain sighing as if it couldn't take any more.

Needless to say she was the last one without a group, the teacher Mrs. Nelson, who mind you always wore an unnecessary bun as tight as sport gear. Said in a no nonsense way "Mia here why don't you go with group 4". Mia reluctantly agreed and could already see the group already sharing secrets and rumours behind my back.

The whole time Mia was trying her very best to oppose my opinions but every time she did the group just stared blankly at her like she was an alien, and went back to their project. In the end Mia became a literal still tree for the play. Wow, totally the best thing that ever happened to me, Mia muttered to herself. Little did Mia know, this would be the start of her depression which could one day end up in a heart problem.

The next day Mia was taking her daily gulp of air before going to school, when she arrived at the huge school, and forgot her backpack. Great just what I need, Mia muttered under her breath as she was walking back home. She swung her backpack on her shoulder, looked at her timetable, and realized English class was first. The whole walk to Mr. Pierceson, the English teacher's classroom, felt like a million years. Mia was tapping her feet in anxiety, when she arrived at the doorway.

She was too scared to open the door, however, Mia had her way of doing stuff she didn't want to do and opened the door. Mr. Pierceson immediately sat up, excited at a chance to scold Mia. "You knock before you open the door." Mr. Pierceson said not wasting a second. "Also you're late, so I'm taking 10 points off your marks," Mr. Pierceson said, letting his glee slip a tiny bit.

Mia bit back her tongue and took her seat at the back of the class. As the class was writing down notes for the lesson, Mia was self-conscious about how Mr. Pierceson, true to his name, was piercing Mia's eyes. Thanks to that, by the end of the class Mia's notes were so wiggly that she couldn't even read her own handwriting. Right when class ended, Mia didn't wait one second, ran to the washroom, and cried in its stalls. Another step down depression alley.

One day as Mia was in the library, she could see Mr. Pierceson staring daggers at what Mia was writing. Then all of a sudden he walked over and inspected the drawings. He spoke with a threatening voice "What is this nonsense, can't you write?" Mr. Pierceson didn't know about Mia's illness and Mia was too depressed to tell him.

However, thanks to Mia's stored up anger she suddenly exploded "I have dyslexia okay? I can't read or write" she paused to draw breath and then began again "will you ever leave me alone?" Then she abruptly walked out of the library and ran back home and cried. Mia cried all night, and the next morning she begged her mom to cancel class today. Her mom sighed, but said "Okay but just this once."

The day came and went, and Mia groaned in the morning but got up quietly and stepped out the front door. Taking her daily sigh every time she stepped out of her haven of a home. At school in English class, Mr. Pierceson walked over to me like nothing ever happened, and what he said shocked me. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have judged you."

Nothing in Mia's life has made me as speechless as she was at this moment. Mr. Pierceson explained "My son has dyslexia too, I can't believe I didn't recognise the symptoms, I have something that I think will help" then he looked down and sighed "but I'm not sure if you will trust me". Then suddenly Mia overcame her anxiety and depression. In that one life changing moment she agreed. For months on end Mr. Pierceson started to actually teach Mia English. He told Mia he was a specialist for teaching people with disabilities, he even told a bit of his story and how he was sad that his son could never read or write.

Years passed and Mia was able to transform her scribbles into actual dialogue and created a fantasy book, Mr. Pierceson helped publish it and was on the top of the credits section. Mia is now a successful writer and her mother was in tears "Why didn't you tell me?" Everything was great, even her classmates apologized for being so mean. Mia would never forget the day Mr. Pierceson walked up to her and offered her a life changing offer. Her famous speech nowadays is "All you need to overcome anything, is to be brave and have confidence in yourself". Mia really is a rags to riches story.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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