April 31, 1896

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The Church has grown in prominence since the Great Plague. Many have taken the event to signify something significant... but I'm not so sure - although the precense of the Ghouls have not helped matters.

The 'Ghouls', as we call them, were once ordinary soldiers. A tiny fraction of survivors of the Great Plague are cursed with a fate perhaps worse than death. Their skin greys and their minds deteriorate into a savageness - however their speed and strength grow to incredible heights.

Though they can be somewhat tamed, there are many stories of them turning on their own side - ordinarily soldiers stay far away from them... I try to keep my distance as well.

At any rate, the influence the Church is welcome, and their warrior class of Paladins are some of the most fearless soldiers I've ever seen. With the full wealth of the Church at their backs, their heavy armor is indeed mighty to behold.

Jackson S. Grant

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