Ben: uh oh 🥴

Hayden: yep, could have used that advice a couple drinks ago

Ben: I'll do better next time 😂

Next time?

I keep staring at my phone.

This is a bad idea.

I shouldn't be texting him, especially when the plan tonight is to get entirely trashed and pass out somewhere in this apartment later tonight.

"Let's go!" Ella screams and runs towards the door.

Behind her girls start grabbing their bags or downing their drinks before following behind her.

I slip my phone into the pocket of my jacket and do the same.

It's a Friday night and the bar is packed with people. One of those nights where you literally cannot take two steps without being pressed into someone else.

One of Ella's friends from work had called ahead and talked to her boyfriend who bartends here and scored us a private booth just off of the dance floor and I follow the bodies in front of me to get over to it.

It's hot and humid, the air filled with the smell of alcohol and fruity scented vape smoke. The music from the band on the stage to our left is booming, the bass rattling my teeth together.

We finally make it to the other side of the bar and I dive into the booth, ready to be out of the throngs of people.

"Jesus Christ, they are packed tonight." I say, grabbing at the complimentary bottle of champagne sitting in the bucket of ice on the table.

"Hit me." Gabby nudges in next to me, grabbing a glass from the table and holding it out to me.

I open the bottle and pour her a glass, then another, then another, then another.

Somehow I become the designated drink pourer for the whole table and by the time it's just my own glass left there is hardly enough to fill my own half way.

"Well boo." I frown, tossing back what little I was able to pour.

I look up and see a group of guys making their way over to our table.

"What's the occasion?" The first one says, a tall buff guy with blonde hair and ivy green eyes says to our group.

"I'm getting married!" Ella screams over the noise shooting her left hand into the air. Her diamond engagement ring glitters in the strobing lights.

The table cheers for her and the guys sort of laugh and clap along.

"Congrats," the first guy says to her, then shifts his gaze across the rest of us. "Anyone here not getting married?"

A couple of the girls laugh and sheepishly raise their hands further down the booth.

"There are a few single ladies left." Gabby jokes and the guys all laugh, all but one.

The guy in front, he's staring at me.

"What about you?" He asks loudly over the band starting up a new song. "What's the status of your ring finger?"

I laugh because of the booze, but a little from discomfort as well. "Uhh..."

"She's single." Yeniffer offers, leaning around Gabby to look at me. "Very single."

"That's the best news I've heard all night." He laughs. "My name is Brian." He shifts his beer from his right hand to his left to extend his hand over the table towards me.

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