"Oh, you're dead." Hela sneered, being tackled to the ground by Peter's wolf. Wanda trapped Natasha in red magic before trapping her in the mirror dimension.

"I got her!" Wanda called over to the pair fighting off the vampire queen.

"Good! Now go help the others!" Y/n yelled back. Hela grabbed Peter's snapping jaws and pulled his top and bottom jaw in separate directions. Peter wiggled and y/n rolled off the wolf, hitting her head on the floor.

Peter was struggling against Hela, his jaw about to be ripped in half when y/n stood to her feet and tackled the goddess to the floor. Both woman grunted and Peter shook out his head, his jaw aching in pain.

Hela growled, going to slam her arm over y/n's throat but the y/h/c was faster and caught her arm, holding it just inches above her throat. Using her other hand, Hela punched y/n right in the middle of her nose and the woman lost focus. The vampire climbed on top of the woman and wrapped her fingers around her throat.

"I give you the gift of immortality and this is how you repay me?" Hela growled, saliva flying everywhere.

Peter stalked up behind the leech, his mouth salivating at the idea of ripping off her head. Y/n's face began to turn bright red from lack of oxygen, using the rest of her strength to reach up and yank on Hela's dark hair, pulling her head back. Peter wrapped his mouth around the vampire's head as y/n went into a coughing fit, sucking air back into her lungs.

The brown wolf slammed Hela down onto the floor and shook her body about. The vampire was still very much alive, fighting with everything she had to stay in this. She threw her fists at Peter, hoping to get him to loosen his grip just enough to slip out.

Y/n swallowed thickly, her mouth running dry and her limbs beginning to ache. The need to feed was growing stronger and her gums were on fire. Even the tips of her fingers burned where sharp little claws would come out.

There was a boom that echoed across the room. It settled before there was another one. Then another one, each boom hitting faster than the last. Glass started cracking and y/n focused on the noise, seeing a crack start to form in thin air. Y/n gulped, the booms louder and the crack growing and growing until it started to give under pressure. Natasha's angry and pissed off werewolf ran out, heading straight for Peter.

The werewolf grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and in surprise, Peter let go of Hela. The werewolf kept running with the wolf in her grasp, slamming their bodies straight through a wall. Hela gasped as she sat up, her face bloody and mangled and her eyes held a certain rage that made them look like they could burst under the flickering flame.

Looking to her left, y/n noticed a few more arrows soaked in her blood. It was dripping off the table and leaving a small puddle on the floor. The y/h/c grabbed one and planned on using it to kill the vampire once and for all.

"I'm glad you're still alive. Means I get to kill you now." I sauntered over towards the vampire.

Hela looked up at me and laughed, "You kill me? You're too weak. The vampirism is setting in, it won't be longer than ten minutes now and you'll be murdering all your friends. And then I won't even have to try to kill you because they'll have already done it for me."

The vampire quickly got off the floor with inhumane speed and pinned y/n to the floor by her throat, "So what do you say we speed up the process and have another bite, hmm?"

Hela bared her fangs and leaned in to the other side of y/n's neck, ready to take another bite. Y/n gripped the arrow in her hand and slammed it in the side of Hela's knock. The vampire glitched, gasping for breath. Y/n ripped of the arrow, some of Hela's blood spraying all over her face before she stabbed the arrow right through her heart.

"How's my blood taste now, bitch?" Y/n sneered, using the rest of her strength to snap the vampire's neck.

While the queen was really dead, the body being proof of that, Y/n knew she would still see the woman in her nightmares.

This isn't the end of the story either. Though y/n thought it might have been. The threat had been eliminated. They won, right?

There was movement through the wall Nat had taken Peter, a low growl rumbling the bricks as Natasha's wolf stalked out, mouth red with blood. Peter. The werewolf licked it's jaws, eyes locked on y/n like prey.

"Nat.." Y/n spoke in a shaky voice, "I know you're still in there. You gotta be."

The werewolf growled and stalked closer.

"Look who's my big bad wolf now." Y/n sniffled, "I know this isn't ending like we both thought. I'm sorry. But you gotta fight it, Nat. I know you're still in there."

The beast bared its canines before it cowered backwards, rubbing its paws over it's like there was something tickling her. The wolf whimpered before it growled, glaring at y/n before it ran at her. Y/n's eyes went wide, her eyes flashing before her eyes as the werewolf grabbed her and leapt out of the tower. The wind rushed through them and y/n felt like she was going to be sick.


I opened my eyes, feeling like the world had finally stopped moving. When my eyes opened, I looked right into those forest green eyes I love so much. They were filled with worry and sadness, but mostly they were clean. Filled with nothing more than Natasha.

"Holy shit." Wanda gasped, "No man has ever come back from one of Hela's curses."

Natasha smiled a little, "Then it's a good thing I'm not a man."

I laughed softly, "I'm so glad you're here."

"I'm so glad you're here. I was worried sick about you. You're never leaving my side again." Natasha sniffled.

I smiled adoringly at her, placing my cold hand on her warm cheek, "It's too late for that, my love."

I turned my head a little so she and the rest of the pack could lay their eyes on the vampire mark, "I can feel it happening. My soul is leaving my body. It doesn't hurt, not yet at least."

Natasha's eyes welled up with tears and those forest green eyes became murky and muddy as her tears spilled onto her cheeks, "No, you're not leaving me. I won't let you."

"I'm sorry." I whispered, feeling it hard to even shed a tear.

Natasha shook her head, not wanting to accept what the fates had to offer, "No. I've waited so long for you, I'm not letting you slip away now."

The ginger wolf leaned in without a second though and began to suck the vampire bite. I winced in pain, my skin tugging as she sucked on the wound.

"N-nat-" I whimpered, trying to push off the wolf as the corner of my eyes became dizzy.

The wolf dug her fingers into the ground and began to suck harder, trying with all her might to change things. The pack tried to step in and help but she just growled at them and they didn't try it again.

My fingers found their way into her hair as the world around me began to fade as I became face to face with the darkness. 

a/n: hope this chapter wasn't a total let down.. I don't think I'm the best at writing action scenes. I hope you guys liked the chapter nonetheless! 

thanks for reading and sticking through the book! I love reading your comments!

don't worry, things aren't over yet. we still have some things to get through and shit might get crazy again, we'll see. 

i love you all!


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