forty one

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"You and me, Peter." Y/n smiled at her best friend, "And promise me when this is all over, you'll end it."

Peter glanced down before looking at the girl again, "When this is all over we'll find a cure so I won't have to."

Y/n nodded, standing to her feet, "Come on, we gotta move."

Peter shifted into his wolf form, y/n climbing onto his back and holding onto his brown fur so she wouldn't fall off. Y/n was feeling heavy from exhaustion, losing that amount of blood her blood sugar was dropping, making everything start to spin. The vampirism was beginning, spreading throughout her but it would be a little longer before changed. Still, y/n swore she felt the urge to feed in the back of her throat. Her gums were beginning to ache where her fangs would be as Peter followed Natasha's trail.

"Peter what's going on?" Clint asked as he fought off more vampires and skeletons.

Peter didn't wanna waste time with his words, instead showing them everything that happened from when he found y/n until now. The pack was all shocked, feeling the separation from their alpha. It was no use trying to reach her through the mind link and when you tried to look into her head, there was only darkness.

Y/n thought about the change as she laid her head on Peter's back, too weak to raise her body up right. Maybe she would become a beautiful monster. A heartless creature. Someone Nat could never love. A goddess of pain. Maybe then the emptiness in her heart that was starting to arise, or the fresh vampire bite mark and powerful blood running through her veins would all make sense. Forever, though, she would be a stranger to herself.

Peter ran past some shattered stained glass windows, their pieces laying in a poetic mess on the floor as the sunlight streamed in harmlessly disguised as a fire hazard for vampires. Only in the darkness could we see a glimpse of the light the world has in store for us. But this world was cold. Natasha turned into an undead werewolf, doomed to sit and stay by Hela's side. The poison running through y/n's body had a clock, and soon like everything else, y/n would be dead too.

The brown wolf yipped, the end of the trail. It was an astronomy tower with a big dome ceiling that was open. Hela was standing with the bow of shadows in her hands ready to fire off an arrow of Erebus and blot out the sun. Natasha's werewolf form was standing beside her, reaching her paw up to scratch behind her ear.

"Pietro, get your sister. We're gonna need her to contain Nat while y/n and I deal with Hela." Peter said.

"Okay, we'll be there as soon as possible." Pietro said.

"We're hurting down here kid. They just keep coming. Whatever you do, do it now." Clint huffed, being tackled by a couple leeches.

"We'll they're about to get a whole lot stronger. Just hang in there." Peter clenched his teeth together tight as Hela shot off the arrow that changed everything. The arrow flew up into the sky and the sun turned black, like an eclipse was stuck passing by. The sky looked like it was on fire, burning bright with red, orange and yellow hues. The vampires cheered, growing in strength and Hela looked down upon the slaughter.

"Soon they'll all fall." Hela smirked, "Go and get your claws wet."

Natasha went to jump out of the fallen and crumbled window when Wanda flew up in front of her, glowing with red magic. Natasha roared at her and tried to hit her from up high but she couldn't touch her.

"Agatha?!" Hela yelled for her witch but there was no response.

Wanda tilted her head, "You wouldn't happen to be talking about that wanna be witch I killed earlier, hmm."

Lovely Lycanthropy | Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now