He first went to Saurashtra. Where he say the growth in the common soldiers. He then went to the Sabha and saw Mata Yashoda and Mata Rohini together. He was shocked to see that both his Mata's were having a sword fight. He knew if Rohini fought the war , his dau would not do anything but he was sure that Bhishma would reach Hastinapur any day now. So he was sure Bhishma or Shakuni would make a rule of no women. He couldn't make that rule because his 7 wife's , his mother , his bua Kunti and Draupadi wanted to fight. Draupadi was taught to fight along with Kunti. He before even saying was told that if the Kauravas have told no it was a no from them. Unless and until he gets the side of Radhika.

He the left for Ayodhya , he was praying that he can manipulate Radhika. When he reached he was guided to the royal Sabha.

Shon&radhi- Pranam dwarkadeesh , why are you here?
Kri- I am here to ask for help from you two in the war between The Pandavas and The four of the people who were in the cheerharan.
Atri- We all know what happened there dwarkadeesh , all ambassadors ( राज़दूत) were present over there. It was a plan of revenge , but was stopped before any adharma.
Gau- And if it was so big of a deal , the war should have taken place before five years. Why did you wait for five year?
Kri- It was because Sakhi wanted to fight , so she was training.
Ra- Wasn't she born with all the knowledge?
Kri- But they are Demi gods .
Shon- There are gods and Demi gods too. Ganga putra Devrat , Devi Naintara putra the one who was flown in the river by your bua and Rudra Ansh Ashwatthama.

Krishna was shocked he never thought of that aspect. But he was scared that they knew about the secret of his bua.

Kri- Yes but a Rudra avatar can never win against them.
Ra- who was the companion of Ramchandra?
Kri- Pawan putra hanuman.
Shon- He was also a Rudra avatar Dwarkadeesh.

Krishna was shocked again. He had forgotten that his own companion of treta yug was a Rudra avatar. He then left Ayodhya after being rejected.

As soon as he reached Rameshwaram a letter dropped from up. It said the Lanka family has excepted the alliance of Rukmi. Krishna knew now the war will be one of a kind. He hoped to gain alliance from the vanar Sena.

He lastly went to Gandmadana mountain to meet lord hanuman. When they meet and talked they were happy. Hanuman before even Krishna asking him said that the vanar sena would love to fight from the side of Dwarka.

Little did Krishna know , that Radhika knew how to stop hanuman from attacking them.

With the opposite side:
Rukmi and group made alliances with:-
Vrihanta ,king of the Ulukas who was under the rule of Mithila.
Nishad Rajya
Bahlika, Bahlika , his son Somadatta and grandchild Bhurishravas. He is the brother of Shantanu and uncle of Bhishma.


Now all the kings and warriors of both the side were having a meeting. Looking at the people in both the side it was a thought fight. [DO YOU GUYS WANT TO KNOW ALL THE WARRIORS? YES OR NO COMMENT BELOW].

In Dwarka meeting:
That's when the Yudhishthir remembered something. The blessing of Indradev of granting them a boon.
After the others left The Pandavas Kunti , Draupadi , their children and the Dwarka royals were left alone.

Kri- After all the effort we only have 300 akshauhini Sena. While Rukmi and all have 320 akshauhini Sena. Which is close to the 400 akshauhini Sena of gods. If only we could gain alliance with asurs stronger of on par with the Lanka men. Even 10 powerful asurs would do.

Yudhi- Arjun did you use the boon Indradev gave you?
Arjun- No bhrata I still have it. Why?
Yudhi- You can ask a boon from Indradev asking him to revive Raktabija , Andhaka , Mahishasur , Tarkasura , Jalandhara , Hrinayakashipu , Hrinayaksha Sankachuda , Madhu and Kaitabha.

As soon as Yudhishthir said that Deviki , Kunti and Draupadi agreed. Krishna knew he could kill them after their work is done so agreed.

Krishna was sure no one in this yug had TARA ASTRA. If they had it then also if used on people with boon only Naintara and Vasusen could kill that person.

Little did he know This Astra is was possessed by Devi Niyati , Devi Vrushali , Rudra dev , Shanidev , Takshak , Karakota , Vasusen , Mahadev and Ravaan. And the fact that both Devi Naintara and Dev Vasusen were one of the main part of the war.

Then arjun called Indradev and asked for the boon. Which was granted by Indradev. When all the 10 asurs got to know the power the Rukmi and groups alliance they were eager to prove themselves again. Seeing them Nivatakavacha and Kalkeyas also came there and reunited with their friends. They also were informed of the chamber of secrets. To which the 10 asurs laughed and said that they could kill them easily. Krishna asked them to go to the flying city of Polom till the war started to which they agreed.

The next day:
While Karna was doing his Pooja he felt someone near. He knew who it was.





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